Chapter 41

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On Tuesday, two weeks later, Harvey was sitting in the common area, just inside the lobby of the Glenwood facility, when Stewart shuffled in. He looked like he had lost some weight to a surprised Harvey. He was slightly bent over, but other than that, he sure looked good.

"Stu, you're back! No-one even told us you were coming today". Harvey rushed to shake his friend's hand warmly.

"Listen, Harvey. I want to spend some time catching up on everything that has happened, but I'm kind of tired from the flight just now. I need to rest a while first. I also haven't seen Reg or Millie yet. They around? Maybe I should have a sleep though before I talk to those guys. Walk with me to my room and we can chat a bit on the way".

"I'd like that, Stu, if you are feeling up to it. I've been worried sick about you. I am sure glad to have you back", Harvey put an arm around the other man's shoulders, as they walked slowly toward Stu's apartment.

"I got the riot act from Vivian when I first got back. She was a bit upset with me, but she'll get over it, I think. Had the same thing happen with my wife a few times and it always passed in time, so I expect that this will blow over. She just needed to get some things off her chest. She's a good woman, Vivian is."

"I hope that it does. She has got to realize that none of what happened was your fault", Harvey said.

"It is fine, believe me. I got broad shoulders", Stu said, smiling.

"I'm surprised she didn't tell us you were coming home today. I know Reg and Millie would have stayed behind if she had.

"Where is Reg, anyway?", Stewart enquired. He doesn't usually miss much around here. I expected to run into him, first thing."

You probably would have, but they went on a day trip, a bus tour. They won't be back until dinnertime. I didn't feel like going, this time, though. Stayed behind. I guess that I been seeing enough new things lately", Harvey said, with a sheepish grin. "I am sure glad that I stayed home now. Those two are in for a big surprise when they get back."

Reg is gonna' be shocked to see me. If they get back while I'm resting, don't you give it away, now", Stu warned.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I won't spoil the surprise."

They had reached Stu's door and they both went inside the room. Stu dropped his bag of meage belongings that contained everything that he had taken with him when he left Glenwood.

He sat on the bed, and commented, "This room seems a lot smaller to me somehow, but it feels good to be back here, just the same."

"Well, we are sure glad to have you back, but I want to apologize to you", Harvey spoke softly, sitting down next to him on the bed. "I wish I had never asked you guys to go with me on such a hare-brained trip as this one was. I risked the lives of the best friends that I've had in years. It wasn't right. You wouldn't have gotten sick, and everyone else would have been happier for that. I'm so sorry, Stu. I been a fool."

"Now that's a load of horse shit if I ever did hear one. First of all, I do what I want, and it was me who insisted that we go, remember? Reg and Mildred were good with it, too. Second of all, I had a blast. Never would have thought to do anything like that if you hadn't come along when you did. It was a great idea, in my opinion. Thirdly, none of the three of us have had so good a time in years. We sit here, the world passes by, its like we're already dead. An adventure like that makes life worth living again. I sure wouldn't have wanted to miss it. And as far as me getting sick, that would have happened wherever I was. Don't think I am going to give you credit for that, my friend". He gripped Harvey's gnarled hand in his own.

"Geeze, Stewart, that means a lot to me. You and Reg and Millie are going to have to get used to being a foursome, from now on. I made amends with Vivian and I told her I want to stay here with you guys. I ain't leaving", Harvey said, with heartfelt relief.

"Well that right there makes me happy to be back,", Stu said with an impish grin.

Stu kicked his shoes off and swung his legs up onto the bed behind Harvey. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to take a nap before the Bobbsie Twins get back. You can let yourself out."

Harvey got up off of the side of Stu's bed. He looked down fondly at his friend. Stu had his eyes closed, and he might have been asleep already for all that Harvey knew. Quietly, Harvey slipped out of the door, and softly closed it behind himself. Life was good. He smiled as he walked back down the hall, silently thanking Martha, Reg, and of course, Stu, for all the wonderful things that they had done for him and Martha.


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