Chapter 22

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Feeling well rested and optimistic, Harvey and his companions went in search of coffee and a good breakfast. In that order. They left all of their meagre belongings in their hotel rooms and walked out onto the street. The air was warm, the sun shone down on them, and it felt good to be here. It felt good just making it this far from home.

None of them had been to Calgary before, so they walked randomly down the sidewalk in search of a likely looking place to have breakfast. Nothing too fancy, their funds were limited. They looked for a place that had a good neighborhood look about it.

They were most of the way along the third block from the hotel when they came across what appeared to be what they were looking for. Staring up at the sign above the entrance, they read, "Tom's Kitchen, All Day Breakfast, Good Food".

"This place looks right to me, guys. What do you think? Not too expensive, not too fancy", Stu suggested.

"Looks good to me, too", Harvey agreed, leaning on his cane.

"Bout time, I say. I could just about eat the arse-hole outta' a skunk, I'm so hungry", Reg declared.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, Reg, but you're going to have to settle for a normal breakfast today", Stu said, as he held the door of the restaurant open for Mildred. Ryan said nothing as he tried to hide a big grin by looking at the sidewalk, enjoying Stu's comment at Reg's expense. Reg just rolled his eyes in response.

The place was busy, lots of bleary-eyed people slurping coffee or consuming plates of bacon and eggs. The air was laden with the aromas of the usual early morning comfort food. They proceeded to the back of the restaurant where they found a vacant table large enough to accommodate them. Stu guided Mildred to a seat. She looked frail and confused.

"OK, Millie, you sit down, make yourself comfortable. We are going to have some breakfast before we move on", Stu informed her.

"Is Charlie coming for breakfast too?", Mildred asked, in a quavery voice.

"Chances are pretty good that he is having breakfast, Millie, but not here. It's just going to be the five of us today. Charlie is definitely not here, I'm certain of that", Stu spoke to her, patiently.

"Oh, I thought we were meeting him here", Mildred said, with disappointment.

"Not today, Millie, not in Calgary", was all that Stu said.

They were examining the menu when a waitress wearing a stained apron appeared at their table, coffee pot in hand. She filled their mugs with the aromatic liquid, and then asked the group, "what will you have this morning?".

"It looks like you serve regular food, no wild stuff, so I'll settle for bacon and eggs", Reg quipped. Harvey and Stu smiled, and Harvey commented, "Good choice, Reg."

The busy waitress just looked confused, and said, "OK, one order of bacon and eggs. And you, Ma'am?", she continued, glancing at Mildred.

In the end, they all ordered bacon and eggs, with toast, and the waitress hurried off.

While they waited for their food to come they began to think about the day ahead.

"What are we going to do today, Stu, take the bus the rest of the way to Vancouver, or should we lay maybe lie low here for a while?", Harvey asked.

"Well, I've been thinking about that", Stu said, slowly, rubbing his chin. "That cop is hot on our trail by now. Maybe he has figured out how we gave him the slip. We've come too far to let him catch us here. I'm thinking maybe the bus is no longer such a good idea anymore."

"But you sold the car. I don't like the thought of hitchhiking, not at my age", Reg grumbled.

"It was my car, remember? And there was too much risk of that cop nailing us on the road before long. We needed to throw him off the scent, buy some time. So we took the bus instead," Stu explained.

"So let's go on to Vancouver by bus," Reg suggested.

"I'm worried that it would be the wrong way to go now. What if that cop has it figured out and has somebody waiting for us to show up at the terminal in Van? No, I think we should change our 'Modus operandi' today, Stu replied, as he sipped his cooling coffee.

"I don't know what that is but I wouldn't mind changing my socks today, these ones are getting kinda' stiff and smelly", Ryan spoke up.

Stu choked on his coffee at this remark, and Reg grabbed the opportunity to attack by saying, "I'm surprised you can tell the diff', a dim wit like you."

Ryan glared his displeasure but he said nothing, realizing that he had to be more careful about what he said around Reg.

"I think we should take the train from here. If they are watching anything, it would most likely be the bus. I don't think we rate more than one cop on our trail. This could be the way to throw him off again. What are your thoughts, Harv?", Stu asked Harvey.

Harvey took a swallow of coffee from the mug that he had been holding and then set it down in front of him on the table. Looking at Stu, he said quietly so that the people sitting at tables near them would not overhear his words, "Buddy, I never would have tried this without you. I was a complete stranger when I showed up at Glenview, but without any hesitation, you made it your business to encourage me to get going on this trip. I owe you, big time. I wouldn't be here now but for you. You have lead us this far. I love all you guys for doing this for me and I hope you will lead us the rest of the way from here, Stu! I say it's your call how we get there."

"Harv, you flatter me. But thank you for putting your trust in me. I will try to get you all the way to Vancouver but I can't make promises. And I am really glad we met you too, Harvey", Stu said seriously.

"Maybe you two should just quit dancin' and go ahead an' tie the knot. That is the best cure I know for romantic feelings like those ones", Reg suggested flippantly.

"Oh go soak your head, Reg!", Stu replied. "Now, if everyone is ready, let's find the railway station and see when we can catch the train to Vancouver!"

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