Coping Comes In Many Forms

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DEAN POV: I walk out of the bathroom, my now short hair dripping water. I take a deep breath and enter the kitchen to find Sam and Bobby drinking coffee. I take a seat on the couch and just stare off into the abiss. Sam and Bobby walk in front of me, which snaps me back into reality. I give a fake smile and wait for Bobby to give me a what for, it never comes. I shakily stand up and decide to say what had happened, they deserved to know. "I was raped," I say then I dash off to towards the cars, hopind I could distract myself from underneath a hood. I can hear Sam behind me, chasing me, but he didn't catch me cause I believe he realised what I was doing. I find an old '58 Mustang and bury myself under the car. Sam offers me breakfast, lunch, coffee, beer anything through the whole day but I ignore him. After busying myself all day with the Mustang at nearly seven p.m Sam practically drags me in to eat. I was starving but didn't feel like eating so I took a few bites of my food then basically pushed it against my plate. Sam gives me a couple glances and begs me to take a few more bites. I roll my eyes, grab a beer, then lock myself in my room. SAM POV: I checked on Dean through our the whole day offering her food and such. I dragged her in for supper, which she barely ate, then she locked herself in her room, so me and Bobby just continued to search for the witch's curse hoping it wasn't permanent.

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