Sam's Thoughts

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DEAN POV: Nearly three days later... we are still at Booby's. I get up at nearly 5 a.m cause my little girl had kicked me in the blabber. I went to the bathroom and tried to go back to sleep but my daughter was kicking and moving up a storm. I groggily go inlnto the kitchen trying to rub my belly to get the child to ease up on the movement. I made a pot of coffee and poured myself a cup, I then sat at the kitchen table just taking in the morning.
SAM POV: "I walk into the kitchen to find Dean face down asleep at the table.Her head was placed in her hands and she had drool slipping down her face. I walk over to the coffee pot to find an already made batch, but it was now cold. I guessed the baby had woken Dean up and she couldn't fall back asleep. She'd looked tired and confused ever since she'd woken up and was now 25 weeks pregnant. She was also being frantically searched for since that demon basically possessed her and became a mass murderer. Dean didn't like being cooped up but I don't really think we have a choice in the matter. Anyone that watches the news would know what she looked like, so she'd still be cooped up in a hotel room. She could barely drive her car so it's just best if we stay here. The Roadhouse wouldn't even be thay safe for her considering some hunter or another would recognize her and try to put her up for ransom or something. I poor the cold container of coffee down the drain and make another round. As soon as the coffee started pouring into the glass container Dean jumped up at the noise," What-oh- hiya Sammy," Dean said rubbing her eyes and stretching. She stands up and reveals her little baby bump. She was noticeably pregnant, but still could get mistakened as big. She wasn't huge like she thought she was, but some daily tasks had now become harder for her. She pretended this wasn't the case though and never asked for aid. Dean poors out her barely drank cup of coffee and waits for the new batch to finish.

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