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DEAN POV: When we get back. ''Oh my god this pie is so good,'' I said eating my gas station cherry pie. Jo flashed a look that I saw. ''I don't know, but like I needed pie.'' Ellen whispered loudly to Sam,'' Pregnancy cravings.'' ''What are you saying about me,'' I snapped. Ellen stifled a laugh,'' You're experiencing pregnancy cravings, were you just gotta have a certain type of food. Mine were always weird though,'' Ellen said rather fondly. ''Awesome,'' I said sarcastically,'' Pregnancy sounds awesome.'' Ellen stifled another laugh,'' You're not even in your second trimester yet, this rollercoaster hasn't even started.'' I gave a sigh,'' Awesome.'' Ellen took a seat beside ms,'' It'll be all right,'' Ellen said giving me.a half hug over the shoulder. I rolled my eyes, ''I know.'' ''You know how you said you were giving it up for adoption?" Ellen asked me. ''Yeah,'' I said giving Ellen a look. ''If you'd like, I'll adopt the child. You can see it whenever, it'll be safe, and it won't be raised to be a hunter.'' I  gave a smile,'' I'd love that, I was suddenly very happy about the arrangements of my unborn baby.'' Ellen smiled,'' Good.''

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