Now We Must Wait

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5 weeks later... DEAN POV: Sam was driving the Impala and I was in the passenger seat covering my eyes. ''Sam pull over,'' before the car had even come to a complete stop I threw the car door open and started hurling. My body was racking, and it was nearly impossible to catch my breath the tears started falling. Sam leaned over in his seat and started rubbing circles on my back. I tried to push him away with failed attempts. When I had finally caught my breath and felt like I  could sit up I weakily murmured,'' Can you drive me to the motel, once I take a shower and brush my teeth I'll be fine.'' Sam nodded and turned the car back around to the motel. After the shower I was fine. Sam was concerned of how. As if reading Sam's mind I went,'' It was probably just something I ate.'' I knew that wasn't the case, in fact I'd  thrown up every morning for the last 4-5 days. I didn't want Sam to worry, I prayed it was just a weird bug that lasted over 24 hours and usually only made you throw up in the morning. I sighed to myself, I knew I was going to have to tell him. ''Actually Sam, this has been happening the last 4-5 morning. I thought it would pass, so I didn't want to worry you," I say rather fast and try to blow off like it is nothing. ''Dean, you want me to tell you my problems, but you never tell me yours.'' I sighed and nodded my head. ''Gosh I'm starving, let's go eat," I say breaking the topic at the hunger that was rapidly developing.  Sam gave me a look but then decided to go with it. Sam would probably question me at the dinner. I ordered a coffee with pancakes and bacon, Sam ordered a coffee with a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. SAM POV: I  pulled out his lap top and googled ''throwing up in the morning but feeling fine by afternoon, starving.'' The biggest thing that popped up was pregnancy, so I started asking Dean about pregnancy related symptoms. ''When was your last shark week?'' ''The only one I had was 6-7 weeks ago.'' I took a deep breath at this one and tried to remain serious,'' Any tender breasts?'' Deans face started turning a bright red and she nodded her head yes. ''Have you felt fatigued.'' Dean nodded,'' Sometimes.'' ''Have you been starving all the time lately or.'' ''Usually after throwing up, which is weird considering I usually don't wanna eat.'' I sighed,'' Let's get this to go.'' We get to go boxes and I drove towards the nearest drug store. I ran in, got three different brands of pregnancy tests, and bought them getting an amused look from the register lady. She put them in a brown paper bag that I handed to Dean when I returned to the car. DEAN POV: I didn't really want to know, so I didn't peak inside the bag. When they get to the motel I grab the bag with a sigh, knowing I was going to have to open it when we got upstairs. I dump the content of the brown paper bag on my bed, I picks up one of the boxes. ''PREGNANCY TESTS, YOU THINK I'M-NO THIS CAN'T BE-THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!'' I screamed on the verge of hysteria. Sam walked over and grabbed the box from my hand,'' You matched all the symptoms, but I could be wrong. The only way to find out is to take this test.'' I shuddered,'' Ok.'' Sam gave the box back and I started reading the back, I head for the bathroom and in about 5 minutes I come back out and sit on the bed. ''We have to wait 10 minutes,'' I state, then I set the timer on my watch.

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