You could trust me

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Actually you could really trust me because I too has Deppresion still now and to myself and my friend Mabel she helped me with my deppresion And now im helping all of you who had deppresion or something else like your family/friend has deppresion let them read this so I could lead them and if you want to know if YOU have deppresion be here I know talking about deppresion is hard me too.

But One day I cried (it's embarrassing) for no apparent reason and another day I realized I cried because of deppresion and that day when I cried I told my parents they kinda looked at it and they hugged me but didn't say anything okay 1st sign you have deppresion

* eat too much or less

Yes,that happens now when I woke up I don't want to eat but I ate don't worry it's terrifying I know if you eat too much please just eat the amount you can or if you est less like me then eat a little more but if your really eat that way its okay hood job.

That's all for today

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