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We aren't perfect we aren't skinny we aren't Fat we are just the way we are we, we have PErfect bodies on our own way.

Being insecure its alright that means you are cautious of your body but don't of your body ugly.


Because our bodies has are own way of saying beautiful, yea you have great legs but your waist is to small.

Of course our bodies are our bodies so no one can tell our bodies ugly,fat  or skinny because they have no rights to call anything made by any god you believe.

Because even if its just opinions alright but if they mean like " your body is ugly" it feels like your body is never enough so people stop eating just to get the body they want.

They are 2 kinds of people doing diets, first the balance one the exercise,the food they eat is in balance they're lift style but the other is exercising too much and mostly eating nothing that people that is not what you call diet that my dear friends is called anoroxia.

Anoroxia cause death to people mostly 100+ (i think) people die in a week; Anoroxia saying "if you eat you'll get FAT again" or "eat it or people will bully you again" these voices are dangerouse.

Anoroxia is a sibling of depression; they have alot of common like "an and dep wants you dead" or/and "they want you to be the puppet and them would be the controller." They want you to know that you are ugly inside and out but also two of them are created by YOU.

You are the one who hired them but they will get promoted and promoted until they are the ones who are controlling you.

Anoroxia is an addiction not a diet; no matter what body shape you are you are always beautiful in your way.

And surgeries won't help you plastick surgeries are cheats,and sometimes plastick surgeries can cause harm in your body, it might be poisonous,allergic to your skin or body and its just straight-up cheating.

Being beautiful/handsome is within not in your looks not in the way you look its what's inside of you, if your heart is good you are beautiful/hansome.


Because if you look good but you are bad,even how beautiful/handsome you are people will call you ugly for what's withn you.

Yes you are beautiful, Yes you are handsome but the real question is "is your heart beautiful too?"

And Anoroxia won't help you,Anoroxia will just take over you and with that with a mix of depression you'll die.

I know I never experienced getting a diet because I  am already happy of what my body looks and i look kinda skinny but not too much somwthing like that;and i have a question for you all

"Do you think the government would be aware of these kinds of mental health issues?"

Alright sorry but the point here guys do you want to risk your eating habit and comfort zone to not eating at all or exercise eat a 3 meal a day a balance life style

Anyways thx for following and thankyou for voting i really appreciate you all for all the support if you have request or questions please tell them in the comments I basically look at all the comments so don't worry I'm basically reading your comments.

Love yourself~
Never give up in life~
You are special~


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