Passed away

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Funeral are hard...while I'm writing this chapter one of my family member died because of what you may ask?
You can't imagine you were so close to this person that you didn't recognize that she's/he's gone...

People passing away is hard either you like the person or don't it still hurts, especially if that person gave you so mu h memories to think and besides of making new memories with them you'll just have to accept that this person is no longer in your story.

Being depressed about these kinda things are just completely fine because you have a have a reason to cry to be depressed people can understand how you feel they wouldn't judge you if you cry.

Loosing someone in they're life is hard asf too all I can say that dont think those memories our sad think of it as something beautiful to remember.

That person can be gone in this world but it will never be gone in the heart, it lives inside of you and you may think that you can't accept the fact that she's/he's gone but she's/he's not he's/she's right here by your side everyday.

Accept it... Just be happy that person had made good memories for you and her/him.

Creator:so hi yes uhm maybe only few people looking at this because im like inactive now but guys your not alone :) you're never alone people are gonig the same thing you have.

Never give up because there is more to life then just die.

Signs you have depression  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ