Judgemental People

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Chapter Made By: SeokjinCheddar

There are some people in the world who judge you probably just by breathing.

Some say these people should be ignored since they aren't worth your time.

But what if you can't avoid these people?

The constant stares and whispers. Their voices in your head making you feel bad about yourself.

If you have friends who love you wholeheartedly, friends who wouldn't betray you, come to them, they may understand.

If you don't have any friends, it's okay. I'm here, we're here. We're here to comfort and listen to each other.

And don't just fight back against those judgemental people. They may have a problem of their own.

Instead, make them realize what they did was wrong. Make them realize that this isn't it.

And hope for the best.

You can talk about your problems regarding the topic. Remember: We're here for you.

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