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If you are Muslim,black or Asian you had probably heard the word " racist " a commonly word that every school you heard.

They call you names like 'BlAcK! only white people please' or 'what a weirdo look what's in his/her head a cloth' maybe this 'Asians must be smart why he/she ain't no top 1?"

People judged for being different people expects you must  be smart because you're Asian so? Who cares if you or me is Asian we are just like humans.

Being Asian don't mean anything why would people bully an Asian kid for what they think of Asians.

Asian are the same nothing more nothing less, Asians doesn't mean were smarter than anyone else or beautiful than any one else NO.

People has no rights to judge Asians that " I expected higher grades loser!" They say,Think of it "you're Asian you are special you are not a loser you are special" the point is.

Were all humans we are exactly made by God who made our bodies perfect and good no person can judge if you are racist or not its you're opinion.

No one can judge any opinion because of course everyone knows that people has there own likes,wants,need and own opinions.

If you are struggling because you're black or white, Asian or not you are YOU you can't change that because you are a person too.

If they call you racist think of this


I don't know if you follow this or not because I know you're heart now is weak and tired but I know that heart has a light a light that shines and cracks the darkness inside of you yet it is struggling so to help it you have to do to. 

Because you're precious heart is beautiful its just lock by your own mind and the only way to fix it is to  love yourself no one will call you "racist if you're

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