Family issues

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This will have different parts because there's different family issues, so let's get strarted.

Family issues-some problems from the family (duh gaby😌) anyways were talking about the people in you're life who is not there for YOU.

Let's say you're dad isn't there for you he is always alcoholic,abusive or you don't have a father.

But were talking about the Dad first we will talk about you don't have a dad; having no dad is hard, people talk behind your back on your personal issues and the rumor spread.

And you're mom will be finding a new dad for her family or even she has no time for you because she's always at work, so it feels like you don't have a mother either father.

And that's just...heart breaking, you'de feel that no one ever cares about the things you've have to struggle the things you're going threw and you don't want them to have more problems so you keep you're struggles by you're self.

Cause you know! That if you even try to told them...They wouldn't listen because they're to busy for you're feelings.

But...i'm not done there, there are those single parents who listens to you're problems but didn't do anything about it.

Am i right! Have you ever tried to tell you're parents that you have/had deppresion and WHAT DO THEY DO?!!...they don't do ANYTHING!
Give this to you're parents:
Im not saying that you're parents are bad,aren't caring;I'm saying the parents who really cares will take you're problems seriously they care,respect you.

For those parents who do not do anything sucks even more...because if you didn't do anything about our deppresion we can end it.

Living our miserable lives! Fighting for our own struggles! And...trying to not cry and smile for you!

I am not trying to complain i'm trying to help the people who can't tell anyone they have deppresion i'm trying to make them recover.

But what do I get...nothing cause i care for them MORE THAN MINES...cause they're life is more valuable then MINES.

My poor heart is tired...tired of...getting hurt...tired having emotions...tired...of living in a world that is fULL OF NEGATIVITY!.

This is NOT SCRIPTED THIS IS MY FEELINGS;Parents or parent i've been saving them, make them realize there is more to this world...and giving them advices how to stop the...struggle.

To stop the hate! Stop the bullying! Stop...the pain, because I don't want THEM to feel my pain to feel for those who had deppresion for 4 years!

I hate seeing people who just struggled I don't want them to end or even think of ending they're lives!


We can't even explain our own feelings because the thing we only know...that This this feeling is bad than you getting angry.

Stop here~

That's part one (1) of this chapter

Thank you guys for reading!🙂 I really hope you learned and realize something here.

Love yourself~

Take care~

Have fun living you're life~


And remember someone really cares about you~

And follow...


Hey ArticaM and Kitten_Love351 i saw you're conversation and uh I really appreciate it.

Question:Any requests on next chapter????
い ぉゔぇ 様 愚様氏
ㅑ ㅣㅐㅍㄷ ㅛㅐㅕ 혀ㅛㄴ
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つ    ぬべ良し    流冬 
I love you

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