chapter 2

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"Do you wanna join us?" Conner asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I-Uh" I stuttered, not sure what to do. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist pulling me towards the house.

"Yeah, you're joining us." Just before his pulled me through the doors, I glanced back at Amelia to see her smiling at our interaction.

"So Kamryn, where are you from?" Conner asked leading me to a hallway past the staircase. I'd gotten comfortable with him so quickly and easily which was weird.

"Kentucky." That was where my last foster home was.

He looked at me curiously. "Kentucky? Then why don't you have an accent?"

He pushed open a door and we were met with stairs going down. We started a slow journey down the steps.

"I was only there for 5 months. I guess I didn't pick up on the accents." The questions stopped as we made it to the bottom of the wooden steps.

In the room there was a couch and a smaller couch seat..thing. A large flatscreen tv with a game console underneath it on the shelf. A black mini fridge. And there on the couch was a guy with black hair holding a controller, staring at the tv.

Conner walked up behind the couch and whacked the back of the guys head, pausing the game.

"Hey Theo, this is Kamryn." The guy on the couch turned his head and I was met with stunning blue eyes. It was like someone took two droplets of the sky and placed the color in his eyes. Meanwhile I had blue eyes like the ocean.

He nodded to me then turned back to the tv. The door up the steps opened and Amelia called out for Conner. As he made his way upstairs, I took a seat on the smaller couch.(it's like a love seat but slightly smaller) I watched as he grabbed the other controller on the cushion and started to add another player into the game.

"Wanna play too?" He glanced up at me.

"Um, no thanks. I don't know how." I started to toy with the strings of my hoodie. I watched as he grabbed a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket and lit one up.

"You sure? We could show you how to." He said placing the cigarette between his lips. I scooted a little more away on my seat.

"Yeah it's ok." I could smell the smoke, my lungs burning to cough.

Conner ran back down the stairs after his short talk with Amelia. He saw the cigarette Theo was smoking and ran over there and threw it on the ground, putting it out.

"What the fuck man!" Theo yelled standing up.

"She's allergic to smoke." Conner said shrugging, nodding in my direction.

Theo looked me over. I had placed my sleeve covered hand over my nose and mouth to try and block out the smoke. He raised his eyebrows, looking at me incredulously.

"Why didn't you say anything?!" He said loudly. I shrugged in response.

"I have no right to stop you from smoking." He looked at me, then Conner, then back to me, then Conner again.

"She's joking right?" Conner also responded with a shrug. Conner sat down taking a controller,asking me if I wanted to play.

"No, I'll just watch." I said, tucking my feet up underneath me, leaning on the arm rest. My hand holding my head up.

After about fifteen minutes of "Dude, shoot him!" And "I'm on your team!" There was a scratching sound at the door. The volume on the tv was low enough so we could hear the sound on the door. Conner got up and walked up the stairs. As soon as the door opened, I heard the soft thudding of feet, or paws running down the stairs. The large fur named Bear ran over to me and put his head on the arm rest, panting a little. I let out a small smile, petting his head. Pleased with the attention he was getting, he laid down in front of the small couch I was on, staring at the boys who went back to yelling about some base.

After a while the screen went dark with the words 'game over' written across the screen. Theo got up while Conner set up another game. He stood behind me where the mini fridge was located on a small table with a garbage bin underneath.

"Kamryn, you want anything?" He said,opening the fridge. He pulled out a water bottle.

"Sure. Uh-water please." He nodded, reaching back in. He pulled out another water bottle and handed it to me.

As soon as I went to grab the bottle, Bear started growling at us. Conner laughed from the other couch.

"Bear hates Theo" Conner managed to say while laughing. Theo dropped the bottle next to me and leaned over the back of the seat.

"He doesn't hate me, do you Bear?" Theo said, his muscular bicep next to my head. Bear stood up, growling at him. Theo leaned back and stood up straight with his hands up.

"Okay, Okay" He said retreating back to the other couch. Bear nudged my legs with his nose, wanting attention. I started to pet his head again, watching the boys start up their mission. After he has enough attention, he laid back down in his spot on the floor. We must've been down there for hours because I started to get sleepy. My body shutting down for the night. My flight didn't land until 7pm and it took 45 minutes to get here from the airport.

I was watching the tv and the screen that was split into two, as soldiers were shooting alien creatures. Next thing I knew, my eyes closed and I fell asleep listening to the sound of the boys cursing at the tv.

Conners POV

I looked over to where Kamryn was and saw her curled up with her arms bent under her head on the armrest. I checked the time on my phone and it read eleven-thirty-four. Theo also noticed that she was asleep when he went over to throw away his empty water bottle. He walked over to the small closet in the back and pulled out a red blanket, spreading it out, covering her. Ignoring how Bear was growling at him the entire time.

"Let's finish this round then call it a night heh?" I said.

"Yeah sure" he replied, sitting back down.

Still focused on the game, I asked him if he was staying, to which he replied he would. After the game ended, which I totally won, by the way, I walked over to Kamryn and pulled the blanket off her, picking her up.

Theo looked over at me, finished with putting the game back in its case. "What are you doing?" He said.

"What does it look like? I'm taking her up to her room." I said, in a 'duh' tone.

Theo walked ahead of me, opening up the door leading out of the basement. We walked upstairs to her room which was next to mine. There were three bedrooms on this floor, one was mine, one was hers, and the other was the guest room. My parents had a room downstairs. There was one bathroom up here and two downstairs.

Placing her down on her bed and covering her with the throw blanket on the edge of her bed, we left the room but before we could close the door, Bear pushed through us and laid down next to her bed.

Theo walked towards the guest room and I walked into my room.

I guess she's not too bad. I wouldn't mind a little sister.

Word count: 1317
I know this one was shorter but I'm just trying to get some chapters out so people will read this.
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