chapter 22

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Theo meets us at the car and he drives so Conner can sit in the back with me. I sit, still curled up, in Conners lap as he texts Amelia.

"Mom isn't home yet but she'll be there in half an hour." He tells us and puts his phone away.

Theo pulls into the driveway and everyone hops out. Theo jogs ahead to unlock the door and pushes it open for Conner. I get set down on the couch while Conner googles what could be wrong with me.

"Appendicitis. Tumor." He rambles on.

I look over to Bear who sat down by me in front of the couch. I pet his head with one hand as I lay down on my side.

"Conner knock it off." Amber scolds and smacks his arm.

Theo stands behind me and leans over the back of the couch.

"How you doing now?" He asks quietly as he plays with a piece of my hair.

"I'm okay. It'll probably go away soon, they're just overreacting." I reply.

The front door swings open and Amelia rushes into the living room. She kneels down in front of me.

"Okay Honey what's the matter?" She asks. She talks to me like i'm her child. Her real child.

"My side just hurts a little that's all."

"Okay well let's take a look."

I nod and move my other arm out of the way. I try to uncurl my body slowly. I manage to a little bit but not enough to be lay flat on my back.

"That's good." She says. Then she folds my T-shirt up until my skin is exposed.

I keep my head forward and my eyes on Bear while she looks to see what's wrong. She starts to softly tap around my stomach, slowly progressing to my side. I gasp harshly as she taps the side of my ribs.

"Okay Theo come carry her for me. We're going to go get some X-rays done."

Theo nods and immediately comes around the couch and scoops me up. Conner and Amber follow behind us as we walk outside and get back into the Jeep. Theo holds me close to his chest as Conner drives to the hospital.

"What do you think is wrong with me?" I ask Amelia who is sitting in the passenger seat.

"I think your ribs may be internally bruised, possibly fractured."

"Fractured?!" Amber says loudly.

"But we didn't do a lot of stunting today so how would her ribs break that easily?" Amber asks.

"That's something we'll have to ask the doctor." Amelia says as Conner pulls into the hospital parking lot.

Amelia and I are sitting in a patient room waiting for the doctor. She made everyone else wait outside in the hallway. I stare down at my hands in my lap and squeeze them together tightly.

"Hey Kamryn. It's gonna be okay." Amelia reassures.


"I can see the way you're gripping your hands Darling. There's nothing to be worried about." She says putting her hand on my shoulder. The doctor walks in then smiling at us. Amelia explains to him what's happened and after a short examination he hands me a gown and leaves me to change. Amelia helps me get my shirt off and ties the back of the gown together.

A few minutes pass and a nurse in dark purple scrubs comes in with a wheelchair.

"I'm here to take you to get some x-rays and scans done." She says kindly. I nod and she takes me down the hall.

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