chapter 10

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After about two hours of goofing around at the lake we made our way back to our campsite. Jax was carrying the speaker and Wesley and Willa sang their hearts out to 'Say my name'.

"Say my name, say my name. When no one is around ya, say baby I love ya." The two sang in unison. Wesley was walking backwards in front of Willa holding onto her hands like they were serenading each other.

Kamryn giggled from beside me at them. The song changed to a more country song. Based on the humming coming from next to me, my guess is that Kamryn knew it. I nudged her shoulder to encourage her to sing.

The song suddenly changed. I whipped my head to Wesley who had the phone.

"Hey put it back." I said. He looked confused but still changed it back.

"You know this song Theo?" Conner asked.

I shook my head. "No but Kamryn does."

I looked down and grinned at her. She shook her head at me. As Willa called for her to sing it as they started it over. I swung my arm around her shoulders as she started to song.

"I got a girl crush
Hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
Ain't slowing down
I got it real bad
Want everything she has
That smile and that midnight laugh
She's giving you now
I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
I got a girl crush."

Every time I hear her sing she takes my breath away. With my arm around her, I begin to sway us side to side as she sings. 

We get back to the campsite and get a fire started seeing as how the sun is setting. The girls grab food and stuff from the coolers we brought. We all cook hot dogs over the fire except for Kamryn who made herself a sandwich because she doesn't like hotdogs.

"So what did Jax get you earlier today?" I asked Ryn, suddenly remembering when he stopped at a craft store before we got on the boat.

"Oh just some paints and stuff." She said quietly.

"For what?"

"I don't know, I just like painting." She said.

"What are you gonna paint on out here in the forest?" I asked.

"I'll probably just paint on my legs or something." She said quietly. I've noticed whenever she speaks, it's always very soft and quiet.

I nodded. Everyone seemed to be done and Willa retreated to hers and Jax's tent claiming all the fun from today wore her out. Shortly after everyone went to their assigned tents.

Kamryn pulled out the battery powered lantern and found the bag that Jax gave her. She dumped it out, letting the many small bottles of paints fall out along with some paint brushes. She left the tent and came back with a paper plate, plopped down on the floor and smiled. I watched her put different colors on the plate and start to make swirling lines on her thigh. She didn't seem to notice that I was watching her the entire time. About 15 minutes later she finally looked up and caught me staring.

"What?" She asked, a light pink blush spread across her cheeks.

"What you making over there?" I asked. Rolling across the makeshift bed to where she was on the floor.

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