chapter 21

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The next few days went by normally, school, cheer, home, repeat. I've been going on daily walks to the park with Bear and learned that he loves to roll around in the flowers in the back field there. I'm sitting on my bed looking down at my painted pastel yellow toenails, Willa insisted on "girls only bonding" so her, Amber and I all went down to the nail salon and got mani pedis together yesterday after school.

"Hey are you riding with me today?"Conner says when he opens my door.

"Yeah sure." I respond and get up to grab some shoes.

"Alright, leaving in 10." He says and walks out.

After slipping on some shoes, I stop and glance over my outfit for today.

I nod at myself and grab my backpack and my cheer bag for after school practice

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I nod at myself and grab my backpack and my cheer bag for after school practice. I met Conner downstairs in the kitchen eating toast.

"Oh good, lets go." He said with a mouthful of bread. He hands me a banana and walks out leaving the door open for me.

The ride to school was full of Conner singing along to the pop station on the radio very loudly, and very off key. Once we pulled into the usual parking spot, I basically ran out of the car, after grabbing my stuff of course. I arrived at my locker and took out my books for my classes and attempted to shove my cheer bag in the tiny space.

"Need some help?" Theo said from next to me. He appeared out of thin air.

"How can you help?" I asked, the annoyance breaking through in my voice because I couldn't get the damn thing in. He takes the bag and swiftly hooks the handle on the top of the bag onto a hook on the ceiling of my locker.

"Thanks." I say and shut the locker door.

"Tomorrow's your first game yeah?" He asks as we begin to walk over to Willa's locker.

"Yeah." I mumble and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear that fell loose from my messy bun.

"Not excited?" He asks, hearing the tone of my voice.

"I mean kinda. Just nervous that i'm going to mess up and embarrass myself."

It doesn't help that it's a home game too, so most of the school will be there.

"I bet you'll do great." He says and lightly bumps his shoulder to mine.

"I wonder if they'll have a kissing booth like last year." I hear Willa hush as we approach them.

"Hallo-fest isn't even for another month! Why are you already talking about it?" Jax grumbles, obviously annoyed by Willa daydreaming about kissing someone else. It's so obvious he has a thing for her. I just don't know if she's oblivious or in denial.

"What's Hallo-fest?" I ask.

"It's like a little carnival style thing the school has every year around Halloween." Wesley says.

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