chapter 20

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Instead of piling up in the jeep, Conner and Amber got in the jeep, Willa, Jax and Wesley got into Willa's white car and Theo and I got into his car. He left his bike at home and brought the car instead.

We started the 20 minute drive in silence, besides the radio playing at a low volume. I stared down at my hands in my lap feeling like Theo thinks differently of me now.

"What's going on in that head of yours Ryn?" He asks, breaking the silence.


"Truth please."

I sigh and take a deep breath.

"I just feel like you think differently of me now ever since what happened in the kitchen and I don't even know why I said it and now everyone probably thinks I'm weird and they probably wish I didn't come to the mall with them now but they can't say anything because Conner said he wanted me to come still." I say very quickly.

I take a much needed gasp of air after that and keep my head down. He hasn't said anything so he probably agrees with me. I look up and see that he has pulled off to the side of the road.

"No one thinks any different of you Kamryn. We all want you to hang out with us still. Don't doubt the groups bond." He says. He leans over and pulls me into a hug.

After that he pulls back out onto the road and turns the radio up. The rest of the ride was spent in silence once again.

We pulled up to the large building and found a parking spot close to the front. When we enter the building, Willa and Amber started walking a bit in front of everyone else. Meanwhile, I fell back from the group. I held my elbow with my other hand and watched my feet. I was so focused on my shoes that I didn't even notice when Theo started walking with me instead of with the others.

"Any specific stores you want to go to?" He asked.

"I've never been to a mall before." I shrugged.

It's possible I may have gone with my birth mother but I would've been too young to remember and my foster parents never took me.

Theo walks towards a store with shelves filled to the brim with books. When we enter the store it smells like coffee and that book paper smell.

"Wow" I breathe out.

"I thought you'd like it in here." Then says and I can just hear his smirk.

"How do you know I like books?" I question.

"Well you've borrowed many of Mama Melia's books since you got here so I took a wild guess."

"Mama Melia?" I say with a giggle.

"Uh yeah, that's what we call her." He says, the tips of his ears turn bright red and a barely noticeable pink tint spreads across his cheeks.

"Oh my god, are you blushing?" I say.

"What, no." He states. I can tell he's trying to redeem his manliness because his shirt sleeves suddenly become tighter, a sign that he's flexing his arms.

I put a hand on his chest.

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone." I say and lightly pat his chest.

"Won't tell anyone what?" Wesley suddenly appears from behind Theos large frame.

"Secret." I say with a shrug. I turn on my heel and begin exploring the book store.

"What was that about?" I hear Wesley ask.

"Nothing." Theo grumbles.

We left the book store after 10 minutes of Theo persuading me to let him buy me a book. I gave in and now carrying a plastic bag holding "The Notebook".

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