chapter 14

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We pulled up to the house and I went up to my room to do homework and try to make up assignments. Amelia and Danny won't be home until later. After half an hour of homework, Conner opens my door.

"Hey, can you take Bear for a walk? I have some make up work to catch up on." He asks.

"Yeah, sure." He hands me the leash and walks off.

I get up and head downstairs to find Bear. I find him sitting by the front door, ready to be walked.

After clipping on his leash, I walk outside. I take Bear to the park I found a few days ago. A few brave children come and ask to pet him but many were scared because of his size. I wander further into the park and find a trail into a wooded area. We follow the trail to a small pond surrounded by small pink and yellow flowers and tall grass. Seeing as no one was around and Bear is a good dog, I let him off the leash so he can run around over here while I sit down.

I plop myself down in the grass, looking at the pond.

How did I go from such a bad place to here? A place with caring foster parents, friends.


I shook my head at the thought of him.

Would I like to get involved romantically with him?

Sure, maybe.

Will I?


Once he finds out what happened to me he'll leave. Once he knows how screwed up I am, he'll try to get as far away as possible. The only reason he's being so friendly and flirty-like is because he doesn't know.

He doesn't have to know.

But he should. Just not now.

Bear trotted over to me and head butted my shoulder. I stand up and clip his leash back on and walk back home.

When we got back, I went upstairs and grabbed my phone which I forgot when I left. The time said 3:45pm. Amelia and Danny should be home in about an hour. I then remembered that I was outside, exercising from the tryout, and I just went on a walk. I take a quick shower and I grab my book, lay on my bed and get lost in my reading.

I'm pulled out of my reading trance when the door to my room is opened and Amelia walks in. She sits on the edge of my bed and smiles brightly.

"How was your first day?" She asks.

"It wasn't awful." I say quietly and close my book after bookmarking my page.

If possible, her smile brightens even more.

"I'm so glad you're not shutting us out now."

Oh right.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that." I say as I nervously rub my hands together.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head at the question.

"Okay. Anything exciting happen at school?"

I nod.

"I tried out for captain for the cheer team." I say.

"How did it go?"

"I made it. Amber was really nice."

"I'm so proud of you. We'll cheer for you at the football games."

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