chapter 9

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We finally made it to the lake and the boys already started a splash war among themselves. I sat down on a towel and brought my knees up to my chest.

"What are you doing? Let's go." Willa said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"I'll be there in a minute." I called as she ran towards the water.

I absentmindedly ran my fingers over the area on my hip where the rugged scar lay. Not wanting everyone to see it. Willa didn't notice it earlier on the boat because she was on my right and the scar is on my left hip. With shorts on, it's not visible but my bikini bottoms lay just underneath the ugly mark. Luckily, that's the only visible physical scar. It starts from the front of my hip and wraps around my side, ending a little before the middle of my back. He gave me this friendly reminder when he wrapped his arm around me while I was cooking him dinner. Surprised, I whipped around without noticing he had a glass shard in his hand that was around me. Resulting in the thin reddish/pinkish jagged scar.

Deep in thought, I failed to see Theo walking up to me until it was too late. He scooped me up bridal style and marched to the water.

"Wait wait put me down." I said clutching to his neck.

"You took too long so I had to retrieve you." He said, continuing his walk to the lake.

"I still have my shorts on." I said.

He looked down at me and turned around, and started walking back to the towels. He set me down and gestured me to get on with it.

Letting out a deep sigh, I unbuttoned my shorts and slipped them off. Wrapping my arms around myself I looked up at him.

His eyes were trained on the scar but he didn't say anything. He scooped me back up and took off towards the lake again.

I was very thankful he didn't question me on it. But I had a feeling the subject would be brought up in the future.

Theo made it about waist deep in the water. He looked down at me, holding onto his neck.

"You know how to swim right?" He asked.

I nodded and right at that second he dropped me into the cool water. My bottom hit the sand and I stood up and out of the water.

"Hey!" I said, raising my voice only slightly. I crossed my arm across my chest. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards everyone else.

"Hey! Just in time. We're starting a game of chicken!!" Jax exclaimed with Willa on his shoulders.

"What's that?" I asked stepping next to Theo.

"It's where one person gets on another's shoulders and try's to push the opponent off." Jax said motioning to Willa who sat on his shoulders. I looked over to the other two and saw them arguing over who goes on top.

"You're heavier! All you do is eat pizza!" Conner yelled at Wesley.

"I'm stronger! So I should be on top." Wesley yelled back.

"Oh no you are not!" Conner said giving Wesley a push.

Theo cleared his throat at the two.

"You're going up against two girls. I don't think it matters who is on top." He said.

Theo turned back to me and told me to get in his shoulders.

"And how do I do that?" I asked. Worried about my scar being out of the water for everyone to see.

"I'll drop down in front of you." He shrugged and started to lower himself. I put my hand on his chest, stopping him.

"Everyone will see it." I whispered, looking down at the blue-green water. Theo tilted my head up with his fingers under my chin.

"Hey, it's fine. No one will even say anything." He said. His large body blocking me from them.

"Okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I mumbled. He turned around and dropped down in front of me and I climbed on his shoulders. His hands held onto my thighs as he stood back up. Once we were both stable, he lowered his hands down to my shins, holding my legs in place.

Conner and Wesley charged at us first. I wasn't expecting it and I immediately was knocked off Theo and went tumbling into the water. We realized we were in too shallow water when I fell and hit my back the the bottom of the lake.

After reassuring Theo multiple times I was fine, I got back up seeking revenge on them. I managed to get Willa off and now I was face to face with Wesley. He grinned at me and yelled some gibberish which threw me off guard and one push sent me tumbling backwards again.

Theo was right. No one questioned the scar. We were all too busy having fun.

Fun. It's been so long since I've had that.

This one is a bit shorter but I wanted to get something out!
Word count:854
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