Chapter 23

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"Dammit Theo! Why do I always find you like this?"

-is what I woke up to. Conner yelling at Theo who was still my bed.

"Conner? What's wrong?" I asked trying to rub the sleep away.

"Nothing Kam. Just get ready for school." He sighed and walked out. I watched him leave, my mood already plummeting.

"Did I make him upset?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"Of course not Ryn." Theo responds pulling me to him. I nod my head, not believing him.

"I should get ready." I say and try to push Theo off my bed but the boulder doesn't budge.

"Are you sure you want to go to school right now?" He asks.

"Yes. I'll be fine." I say and push him again. This time he actually moves and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I get up and change into my cheer uniform, a white long sleeved crop top with our school initials in dark blue and a dark blue high waisted skirt. Putting on the top reminded me of my injury due to the fact that every time I lift my arms too high I'm met with severe pain. I walk into the bathroom and finish getting ready, finishing my game day look with a pulled back half up-half down hairstyle.

When I walk downstairs, Conner is already in the kitchen eating an eggo waffle. He pushes the box of frozen waffles towards me then points to my bottle of medicine.

"You have to eat before taking them." He says and goes back to eating-more like scarfing down- his waffle. I pop one in the toaster and get myself a glass of water while I wait.

Once I finish and Theo comes downstairs ready, we all leave for school. Conner ends up picking Amber up too and I immediately feel bad that she has to sit in the back. I'll remember to sit in the back seat next week.

We pull up to the school and Conner leaves with Amber in the direction of her locker. As I'm walking towards my locker Wesley appears next to me and drops a heavy arm on my shoulders.

"Hey stranger, long time no see." He says winking at me.

"You just saw me yesterday at lunch." I say giggling to myself.

"I guess so." He hums. I soon realize he's directing me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask looking up at him.

He just hums some song I don't know.

"I have found her!" He sings as we reach Jax and Willa.

"Ugh I feel like it's been ages! We need a hangout soon." Willa groans.

"We just spent a whole weekend together?" I say confused.

"We're all best friends, we need to hangout at least every two days." She replies back.

"Wait! Girl you look STUNNING in that uniform!" Willa yells, catching the attention of a few people passing by. I blush and mumble a thanks. Just then the bell rings and we all split up to go to class.

The rest of the school day went by as usual. Theo was acting weird when walking with me to my classes, actually, all the guys who walked past us looked like they were about to wet their pants. But anyways, now it was time for my first game. The opposing team was using the girls locker room, so the cheer team set up camp in the gym. We had hair tools and lights plugged into every outlet the gym had to offer, girls were sitting in a line waiting to get their hair done by Marcie, who was the best braider on the whole team. I just kept my half up hairdo I had for school since I wouldn't be doing any actual cheering. My phone buzzed from my lap with a text from Amelia.

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