Letters, Calls, and Confessions

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The first letter Olivia and Sirius received was from Harry (with combined PS's from Ron and Hermione) about a week and a half into school.

Dear Snuffles and the other one,

Hope you're okay.
The school year has started off horribly. Our new DADA teacher is about as nice as your mum! I'm not sure if you've heard of her, Dolores Umbridge, but she works for Fudge and sat in with the Wizengamot for my trial. She's certainly very strict, and had awarded me with extra time with her after class. It cuts into my homework and extracurricular time, but at least I'm learning my lesson. As for other classes, potions is as dreary as ever and there's a lot of homework because of our OWLs. I'm writing because the thing I wrote to you about last summer happened again while I was at detention with Umbridge. I don't mean to worry you about it, but I was told I need to inform someone.
We're all missing our biggest friend, and hope he'll be back soon.
Please write back quickly.
Harry Potter

PS. Ron and Hermione wish their best, and are also drowning under the homework, prefect duties, and separate Quidditch/ S.P.E.W. obligations.

Olivia finished reading the letter aloud to Sirius from their peaceful places in the sitting room, feeling nervous about everything. After slight discussion over the topics mentioned in the letter, Olivia grabbed her quill and began to write a response.

Dear Harry,

She looked up at Sirius, "Am I going to have to write in the weird code he did?" Sirius nodded, and Olivia immediately abandoned the parchment, "Well why don't we just use the mirror to call him then?"

Sirius opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again. He pondered the notion for a second longer, then replied, "Fair enough. Do you have it on you?"

Olivia shook her head and returned to where she slept, grabbing the mirror from her bedside table. Inspecting it's intricate frame for the millionth time, she let the world slow down around her momentarily before returning to the now-pink sitting room as the sunset lighting infiltrated it.

"Should we wait for a certain time, do you think?"

Sirius shrugged from where he sat, "Probably after the sun sets, then he should be at least in the common room."

"We've got some time, then. What all do we have to eat downstairs?"

Sirius took that as his cue to stand, leading Olivia down to the kitchens as they continued talking, "Remus is going to get more supplies for us tomorrow so we probably don't have much."

After a haphazard meal of whatever leftovers they could find, Olivia and Sirius sat and stared at the mirror.

"Are you calling or am I?" Olivia asked, for some reason feeling anxious over the call.

"Considering that I told him you had the other mirror, it's probably best you call." Sirius reasoned out, wondering why this call is causing anxiety.

"Alright, let's try it," Olivia sighed, picked up the mirror to where she saw herself as she wanted to, and spoke clearly, "Harry Potter."

The surface ripples silver, but Harry's face did not appear. Second attempt yielded similar results. The third attempt, however, resulted in Harry, Ron, and Hermione peering at them from what seemed to be the common room.

"There we go!" Sirius said as he and Olivia propped the mirror up in front of them, "Thought you three were ignoring us."

"Sorry, the mirror was buried in the bottom of my bag," Harry apologised, though he didn't look too remorseful.

Hope In Hiding (Book 2 of the Lost Potter Series)Where stories live. Discover now