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A/N: Be with me y'all through this prologue and I salute you if you read the whole thing through. I'm thinking about changing the prologue but idk yet. . .


   "What are you doing? This is not what I want! I said I wanted roses all over the place not no fuckin' sunflowers! Do you know how ugly sunflowers are? I swear y'all gon' make me fly off the handle in here!" I yelled to the wedding planner.

   "It's a little too late for that."

   "Jade do you mind saying that just a little bit louder." I asked Jade while tilting my head to the side.

   "No master." Jade said waving an imaginary white flag and bowing down.

   "That's what I thought." I said while finally sitting down in the make-up chair.

I sat in the chair for a good two minutes and I was back on my feet. Today is me Jade and De'Asia wedding day and I want everything to be perfect. So therefore forget a wedding planner, I'm the HBIC today!

   "Lani if you don't sit yo happy go lucky ass down in that make up chair, we gon cancel this wedding and go to the court house instead."

I heard Zay say through the walkie-talkie on my hip. Since we couldn't see each other until we met at the alter we came up with the idea to communicate through walkie-talkies.

I couldn't take all of this any longer and ran out the room. I heard my family calling me but I kept running until I was outside of the chapel but I didn't even stop there. I looked to my left and my right then decided to run left toward the bus stop. I heard Drew calling my name and chasing me so I kicked off my heels and hauled ass. This is a time when I'm happy my mama made me do track all during high school.

I looked behind me and saw that Drew was doubled over and trying to catch his breath but I didn't care. His big ass should have been working out like the rest of us. I focused my attention back to the task at hand and saw a bus pulling up. I lifted my dress up and caught the bus before it pulled off.

The bus was packed and everyone was staring at me. White dress, no shoes, half a face of make-up and my hair was in a messy bun but I didn't care. I stood in the middle of the bus and cleared my throat.

   "I'm a runaway bride so freaking what! If y'all went through all the shi- I mean stuff I went through these last two years just to marry the man or woman you love, y'all would be running too. I'm happy but right now I could be overjoyed. I love that man with all my heart but he really put me through some thangs in just the year and a half we been together. I would never love someone as much as I love him but I can't marry him today. " I said while wiping my tears away.

I just told a bus full of strangers that I am a runaway bride and that I would forever love Zay but I ain't woman enough to tell him in his face. I couldn't take the stares anymore and dropped down to my knees and let it all out. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked into the eyes of an older woman.

   "Baby it's okay to run sometimes but right now isn't the time. If you love that man as much as you say you do, then you need to go back to dat there chapel and marry that man." She said helping me off the floor and sitting me next to her.

   "I know that's right!" The bus agreed with her.

   "I really want to y'all but that man caused me soooo much pain but was also there when I had no one. He is the reason my parents can't see me get married, he is the reason why I have so many enemies."

   "I understand why you want to run away but baaaby this ain't the right way. If he was there through thick and thin, then that should show you that loves you. Let me ask you this, was he by yo side when you almost lost yo life? "

I looked up and the whole bus was awaiting my response.

   "Of course he was because he was the reason."

   "Mhmm." I heard everyone on the bus say.

   "Right so I shouldn't have even accepted his proposal because I honestly don't want to marry him. " I said in a low whisper.

   "The way you lowered your voice shows that you do love that man and chile I can look in yo eyes and see that you love him more than you love yo self." The old woman said while holding my chin and looking me in my eyes.

   "Which is why I can't marry him. I have to love myself before I love someone else." I said standing up and smoothing out my dress.

   "That's yo soul mate!"

   "Stop being stubborn girl!"

   "Go get yo man!"

I looked around the bus and everyone was standing up and telling me what to do but there is only one person I will listen too. I walked to the front of the bus and knocked on the protective shield.

   "Bus driver can you let me out right here?" I asked pointing to the cemetery.

   "It's against the rules but I'll make an exception." He said stopping the bus and opening the door.

Before I got off I looked around the bus to say thank you to the old woman but she was nowhere to be found. I just shook off the weirdness and got off the bus.

I walked through the main gate and walked down the path until I reached my destination. I got on my knees and took a deep breath before reading the tombstone.

   "Christopher Ray Wright. April 5th, 1968-May 29th, 2010. Chris was a loving and caring Father, Brother, Granddad and much more. Rest in peace Chris."

I felt the tears falling and wiped them away. This is a moment where I had to be strong.

   "Daddy I miss you so so so much. Today is June 29th which mean I been without you for a whole month now. You left me before I got to tell you a big secret and now I feel so bad. Today your little girl supposed to be getting married but I don't think I can do it. I mean I love Zay but I'm afraid to get too comfortable. He claims we don't have anything to worry about now but what if that change? I am a true ride or die but it's time to grow up and stop being childish. I want to live life without having to look over my shoulder 24/7 but being with him makes that hard. I love him a lot but I cherish my life more." I took a deep breath since I said that all at once.

I looked around the cemetery and felt bad about not bringing him some flowers or something but this was an unexpected visit.

   "Daddy I just need some guidance. I need you to help me through this and tell me what to do." I said while trying to catch my breath but my chest was tight. I knew I was having a panic attack but I didn't have Zay here to calm me down.

I looked around and saw no one else out here and I started to get dizzy. I laid down next to my dad tombstone and closed my eyes. The only way I can calm myself down is to think of happy times and right now I chose to reflect on the past two years.

A/N: I decided to do a prologue to get the story started instead of just jumping into it. Enjoy! Sorry for mistakes will edit later.

Also the first chapter is kind of boring because this was my first time writing so I was nervous. I didn't really know what my aim was but chapter 2 and so on are much better.

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