Rule #6: Maintain A Regal Gait

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Rule #6: Maintain A Regal Gait

I haven't seen Dante since the night of the ball. It has been two weeks since then. We still talk via text and call but we were both occupied with other things. I was busy with lessons while he was preparing for school. I had a lot of extra duties too even though I'm not first in line for the throne, that title belongs to my older brother who was still overseas attending university. I had taken over some of the royal duties that belonged to my brother in the duration of his absence. I've been scheduled to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony tomorrow for a high school in town.

"What's the name of the school for the opening ceremony again?" I asked Catherine.

"St Julian's. " She responded.

I furrowed my brows. That name sounded extremely familiar. Then it dawned upon me that's the name of the school Dante would be attending. A faint smile appeared on my lips.

"Something amusing?" Catherine asked as she placed a few books in front of me.

"Dante will be attending St Julian's." I said.

"Oh really?" She said with a small smirk.

"Well looks like it won't be too boring tomorrow." I said. Catherine chuckled. "Remember you'll be in public and the press will be there too. Be careful or you might get into a whole lot of trouble again."

"Relax, Cath. I've got it." I said. She shook her head but made no comment. She proceeded to start her lecture again. She had recently took over as my main tutor, I had no complaints though. Catherine is much nicer than the other tutors from before.

Besides, I was extremely looking forward to tomorrow and my mood is too jubilant to be spoiled.


"Thank you everyone for attending today's opening ceremony. We are extremely honoured to announce that her royal highness, Princess Julianna will be cutting the ribbon and officially opening St Julian's High School!" The principal of said school declared with a proud smile on his face.

I sucked in a deep breath before stepping into public view with a polite smile on my face. The principal extended a hand and I shook it. Then I stepped up to address the crowd of reporters and students along with some parents.

"A very good morning everyone." I greeted.

"I'm here today on behalf of my brother, Prince Julian and yes, the school is named after him, though I would prefer it more if it was named Julianna instead." I joked and the crowd laughed. "I will be honest and say I much rather sleep in on such a fine day but like everyone else I have my duties to attend to so here I am." I paused for a second to meet the eyes of the crowd. My gaze clashed with a pair of familiar blue green eyes. My smile widened by a smidge before I continued with my speech.

"I've never been to school before as most of you know. I'm homeschooled so I don't actually know what it's like to study with friends and all but I do know for a fact that like most students, studying isn't my favourite thing." The crowd laughed again.

I smiled. "I won't go into a long speech on how education is extremely important et cetera but I will say this. Enjoy the time you have with your high school friends because just like a quote I read the other day on the Internet, 'Your college friends know who you are, but your high school friends know why'. Thank you." The crowd applauded and with a smile, I accepted the pair of scissors from the principal before determinedly cutting the red ribbon that was tied across the stairs that led to the entrance doors of the school.

I stood at a side talking to the principal as my bodyguards flanked my side. I didn't like having them surrounding me but I digress, I didn't want my mother to throw a fit just after my grounding ended.

"Your royal highness?" I heard a soft voice interrupt my conversation with the headmaster. My bodyguards were prepared to ask whoever it was to leave but I held up a hand to stop them. It was a girl, probably a freshman. She had light brown hair and eyes of the same colour. She had a shy smile on her face.

"Hi." I said with a smile.

"Hello, I can't believe I'm seeing you in person! I really really like you!" She gushed. I chuckled. "Thanks. What's your name?"

"I'm Emilia Roswell." She said excitedly.

"Nice to meet you, Emilia. I would introduce myself but I'm guessing you already know my name."

"I-I just want to say you're my aspiration. I want to be someone like you. Kind, beautiful, smart. I've read the article you submitted a year ago about feminism and I think you're amazing." She continued. I could practically see the stars in her eyes. I laughed lightly.

"Thank you. It's nice meeting you, Emilia but I think you should go in now. I don't think you want to be late on your first day of school. Just one last thing before you go, you are beautiful, kind and smart too. I may be a princess by status but I'm just like everyone else. I live, breathe and eat too. Don't look up to me just because I seem better because I'm not. You are your own inspiration and aspiration. No one else is worthy of being that." I said seriously. Her eyes shone even brighter after that if it was possible.

"I wish I can hug you right now, your royal highness, you're really really amazing." She stressed. I laughed again. "Well I don't mind a hug." I said with my arms opened. Her eyes widened in surprise but she did hug me much to the displeasure of my head of security. I merely ignored him.

After that, Emilia walked, more like skipped into the school. It felt nice that I just made someone's day. My phone vibrated and I excused myself from the principal before taking it out of my bag to check it. It was a text from Dante.

From: Dante
To: Julianna

That was really nice of you to talk to that girl and even hugged her. Though won't you get into trouble for the latter?

From: Julianna
To: Dante

As a princess, I may have to maintain a regal gait but there's no rule saying I can't hug people. The rules only state no unnecessary skinship and that hug was not unnecessary. I was cheering someone on for their first day of school

From: Dante
To: Julianna

I doubt your mother will accept that reason but I have another question. When will I get my hug? I think as friends I am entitled for a hug on my first day of school

I chuckled as I read his text.

From: Julianna
To: Dante

Better luck next time, dear friend. I have to get back to the palace now. Who knows, if I finish my lessons and duties for the week early, we might be able to hang out or I could invite you to the palace

From: Dante
To: Julianna

You better keep your word, Princess. I'm holding you to it :p

From: Julianna
To: Dante

A princess always keeps her word. Now get to class before you're late.

From: Dante
To: Julianna

See you soon, your royal highness :)

I rolled my eyes but didn't reply anything else. I kept my phone away and then turned to my head of security who stood two feet away. He looked puzzled at my smiling face.

"Shall we go back now, Derrick?"

"As you wish, your royal highness." He answered and together with the rest of his security team, escorted me back to the car.

My smile didn't fade for the rest of the day.

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