Rule #24: Use Your Power Wisely

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Rule #24: Use Your Power Wisely

Julian watched as I made call after call. I didn't bother hiding my plans from him. I had called our cousins asking for their help. As they are related to the royal family, they have influence over Odivalon politics. Some of their parents are actually working for mine whether it's as advisors or some other role.

"You're planning an uprising?" Julian asked after I finished the last call.

"Don't be so dramatic. I'm planning a confrontation, why would I want to overthrow my own parents anyway." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I don't know. Isn't that what royal kids in the olden days do? Overthrow their parents and become ruler." He shrugged.

"Meh, I don't want to be queen as badass as that'll make me look, I value my freedom more." I said.

"So you're pulling all these strings just to make our parents unground you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope. I'm asking for help to make mother and father nod their head for the people's council suggestion."

"What about your boyfriend?"

I froze for a second before replying nonchalantly. "We're not Romeo and Juliet. We won't be separated for good."

"So you admit he is your boyfriend." Julian smirked. "He is is my boy-friend." I said.

"Whatever you say sister."

"Well, will you help me?"

"Help you as in stage a confrontation that may possibly cost me my title as crown prince and get disowned or even worse tried for treason?" He questioned.

"Yes, yes and yes." I replied.

"I'm game. Anything for my baby sister." He ruffled my hair as he said so.

"Paws off." I slapped his hand away. He merely chuckled and asked. "When do we meet with the others?" I smirked. "The day after tomorrow. I know for one father's been feeling really guilty and if I ask for a little get together with our dear cousins he'll definitely say yes." "Okay but what about mother?" He questioned.

"Even if she thinks something's fishy she won't be able to do anything. Father will convince her I just want to fill the void in my heart because she ripped away Dante from it." I said dismissively.

"Well then, let's talk to father first shall we?"

"We shall indeed."


On the day of the meeting, my influential cousins were all gathered in the palace tea room under the guise of a 'family reunion'.

"What did Queen Victoria do to you, Julianna?" My eldest cousin, Herman asked. They knew me to be rebellious but they never actually expected me to form an actual rebellion.

"Long story short, she crossed the line this time. I'm not going to give in and let her push my limits and boundaries anymore. So what do you all say? I know this is quite a bit to ask but don't you think our people should have that right?" I said.

"Well I do agree that it would be fair for the people to have more freedom when in terms of voicing their opinions on Odivalon's political stance." Lucy spoke up.

"Still what if uncle and aunt don't buy the idea? We could easily be charge with lèse-majesté." Cecily warned. Everyone else visibly stiffen at the thought of being charged with offense against a ruler's dignity. Julian and I were the only ones that remained unaffected.

"Random question, why is Julian involved? Thought you're a bit of a goody two shoes." Alastair commented. Julian shrugged. "I am willing to support my sister as long as she is fighting for what's right."

"Even if that means going against the very people who gave you your current social status and power?" The final cousin to join our meeting for the day, Joseph questioned sharply. Julian and I exchanged glances before replying at the same time.

"Especially if it's them."

Cecily asked. "Why?" I answered. "It is because they are our parents that we feel the absolute need to correct them before they make a mistake that cannot be corrected." Julian nodded. "We know what we are planning to do is risky. But there's so much at stake here. Not just Julianna's friendship with a commoner but the welfare of the people of Odivalon. Without them there'll be no monarchy and no Lockhart-Farrington. Without them, there would literally be no us."

The other five people fell silent. I sighed. "If you don't want to help us, I understand. I would only ask of you to not reveal our plans." Herman was the first to speak. "When do you plan on confronting them?"

"As soon as possible. This has gone on for long enough. I am willing to end this once and for all." I stated determinedly.

"You are sure this is the only way?" Lucy said.

"It's the only way to actually knock some sense into my mother's thick skull. So yes, this is the only option."

They fell silent again. Julian and I exchanged nervous looks. This could go both ways and I'm praying it wouldn't go the bad way. I was starting to fidget in my seat. Julian appeared calm but he was tapping his index finger noiselessly on his leg. He was feeling slightly agitated too.

Just when we were about to go nuts with the silence, Alastair spoke. "I will offer you my support and assistance, dear cousin."

My eyes widened. "Truly?" He cracked a smile. "I never go back on my word." I could jump up to hug him right then and there if Cecily hadn't spoke.

"I will help you as well."

"So will I. You've always been nice to me. I suppose I may as well return the favour now." Lucy said with a wry smile.

"Then count me in as well. If Julian is ready to do something so unlike him then so can I. I've got your back, little cousin." Herman said with a wink.

"Thank you, guys. Seriously, thank you so much." It felt like my heart was about to combust with happiness at their supportive nature. Then we all turned put gaze to Joseph. He looked sombre. He shook his head.

"I am sorry, Julianna but I cannot offer you my assistance."

I was a little disappointed but I understood Joseph's perspective. I smiled at him. "That's okay, Joseph."

"I promise I will not speak a word on today's meeting. Best of luck, dear cousin. I hope for everyone's sake you succeed." He said.

"Thanks." I replied.

I then looked at the others. "So, shall we start planning?"

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