Rule #17: You Are Not Above Everyone Else

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Rule #17: You Are Not Above Everyone Else

I woke up at around nine the next day, feeling contented after getting all the rest I needed. I got out of bed and proceeded to wash up before dressing up in casual clothes. A navy blue T-shirt, skinny jeans and sneakers. I was only paying Dante a visit later so there was no need to dress up in fancy gowns and heels.

I walked down to the dining room to have breakfast alone. It felt a little lonesome but I digressed. I finished breakfast and went back to my room to grab my bag before calling Henry via intercom to arrange for Louis to drive me to Dante's house.

I texted Dante when I was in the car.

From: Jules
To: Dante

I'm on my way

He replied a moment later.

From: Dante
To: Jules

I'm waiting :)

I smiled to myself. Louis glanced at me curiously from the rear view mirror but I ignored him. I didn't want too much questions surrounding my friendship with Dante. I admit, I find him attractive and very likeable but it's too early to judge if I will develop solid feelings for him. For now, I'll just see how things go.

I had ordered Derrick not to follow me. I said one chaperone is enough. I don't need a bodyguard when I visit a friend's house. It wasn't long until we reached Dante's house.

"You don't have to follow me." I told Louis.

"I'm sorry, Princess but I have to. I agreed to chaperone you and so I will."

"No. It's so weird."

"Then I will wait for you outside." He said in that infuriatingly calm tone. I wanted to protest more but I swallowed back the words.

"Fine." I sighed. I got out of the car and only then I noticed Dante was waiting for me, leaning on his house's door. He smiled at the sight of me and proceeded to walk over.

I was hesitating on how to greet him when he surprised me by giving me a hug. I tentatively wrapped my arms around his torso in return. He felt warm and solid. I didn't realised how much I missed him until that moment.

When he pulled away, I composed myself to not show any unnecessary emotion. He said. "Long time no see, Jules."

"Well now I'm here." I grinned back.

"I'm glad you are. On a side note, is Louis going to stay in the car the whole time?"

"I asked him to leave but he didn't want to. I thought it would be odd to have him sit with us while we discuss our plans."

"Shall I invite him in?"

"You can try." I shrugged. Dante walked towards the driver's seat and tapped on the window to get Louis's attention.

They spoke in low voices for a few moments before Dante straightened up and walked back to me. A second later, Louis got out of the car and locked it. He walked over to my side as I stared at him.

"What did he bribe you with?"

"Mr Williams offered me a hot cup of tea along with a good book to read while I wait for your royal highness." Louis replied.

I glanced at Dante. "Seriously? You managed to bribe him with just that?"

"I think it's more of a polite invitation rather than bribery."

I shook my head and then we entered the house together. It was quite large and spacious. The living room was bright and adequately furnished. It was then I noticed two figures on the sofa. They immediately stood up when my gaze landed on them.

"Jules, these are my parents, Matt and Edith." Dante introduced us. I took in his expression quickly before speaking. I could tell he really respects and love his current parents. The anguish he shown the other was because of the cause of his parents death. He holds resentment for the reporters but he is grateful to this couple that took him in.

"Hi, I'm Julianna, it's a pleasure to meet you all." I smiled.

His father proceeded to bow while his mother, curtsied. I immediately stopped them.

"Please you don't have to be so formal. I'm here as Dante's friend not as princess."

"But-" His mother started to say, I shook my head.

"It really is fine, Mrs Williams. I may hold the title of princess but I'm not above anyone else. It's a rule and a principle. Here in Odivalon, the title grants me political power not superiority to other human beings. In democratic terms, I'm a politician of sorts. I just have a fancier title." I clarified.

"Well then, you must be the world's youngest politician." After a minute of silence, Matt commented.

"Probably but as I'm not first in line to the throne, I don't usually involve myself in politics. My main job is to ensure the family image is not tarnished. You could say I'm like a public relations officer. Although now that my brother is away in college, I have to take over some of his duties to make sure the kingdom runs smoothly." I said.

"Jules, has been busy for the past few weeks or I would've invited her over sooner." Dante spoke up. I smiled at him. "I was busy but I think I earned a little break after all that work." He smiled too.

"Your royal highness, I do not mean to sound like a kill joy but I have to remind you that their majesties expect you to be back in the palace by three o'clock the latest. If you and Mr Williams have a lot of things to discuss, I will suggest you two to not waste any time." Louis suddenly piped up.

"You're in a hurry again?" Dante asked.

"My parents are hosting a tea party. Personally I think I can afford to be late as I'm not the star. Yes, a real tea party not those your five year old cousin sister hosts." I said.

"Well then let's go to my room then. We can talk in private there." He glanced at his mother's bewildered expression then continued.

"Relax, I'll leave the door partially open so don't get your panties in a twist. Or boxers." He said after a quick look in Louis and his father's direction.

I chuckled. "Now that we've got that settled, why don't you show me to your room? I'm sure Louis will be comfortable with your parents."

"Come on then." Dante said as I followed him and we made our way up the stairs to his room.

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