Rule #28: Take Responsibility

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Rule #28: Take Responsibility

The moment the verdict left my father's mouth, my mother stood up from her seat. A furious expression on her face. My father spoke calmly to all of us. "Julian, Julianna, show your cousins to the tea room please." We were still cheering and rejoicing but we quickly sobered up at his command.

Julian and I nodded quickly in reply before we filed out of the room along with the others. Julian was the last one out and he shut the door behind him. The moment it was closed, the fight between my parents begun. All six of us looked at each other.

"Tea?" Lucy asked.

"Sounds brilliant. Anyone craving a scone?" I said.

"Me." Herman spoke. We then made our way to the tea room leaving behind the argument between my parents that broke out the moment the door shut.

When we were all seated with a steaming cup of tea in our hands and a warm plateful of scones in the middle of the table, Cecily asked.

"Do you think Uncle Elijah will be fine?"

Julian answered. "Relax, Cecily. Father is much more resistant towards mother's yelling than you can imagine. He'll probably have a few scratches here and there but nothing too serious."

Alastair said. "I never knew Aunt Victoria can be so aggressive." I shrugged. "You don't know a lot of things about her. Though honestly, can't say I know a lot either."

"She may be our queen but she is still human so I guess it's understandable she has a bit of a temper." Lucy said.

"I guess." I said.

After we finished our tea, the others left the palace. They needed to inform their parents of the news anyway. Julian said to me when he walked me back to my room. "Why do I have a feeling we will have a lot of work to do while counting down the days to the ceremony?"

I smiled. "I have a feeling father will want me to take responsibility and talk to the board of elders on the people's council." Odivalon has a House of Elders or in other words, advisors to the ruling sovereign. They aren't difficult to handle but convincing them with something so drastic may be a little more challenging than usual matters.

"Good luck with that." Julian chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "I can always make them agree. I mean I am their princess. I do have more authority than all the elders combined."

"No matter what, you are definitely in for a hectic couple of days." Julian stated.

How right he was. As soon as my father ended the argument with my mother, I was drowning in preparation duties. I was so busy I didn't even managed to make time to talk to my father about my grounding sentence and Dante.

In fact, my father was the one to approach the subject first. We had just exited the conference hall after I successfully won over the elders. My father said this.

"You are free to leave the palace and contact your friends after the signing ceremony is over."

I glanced to at him. He wasn't looking at me. "So I'll be free then? I get my phone and everything else back?" He gave me a small smile. "Yes." I returned it with a wry smile of my own. "So since I'll be free then, I can do whatever I want right? Is dating included in that?"

The corner of his lips twitched. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I thought it was pretty obvious I'm getting a boyfriend sooner or later. I mean you did witnessed what happened between me and a certain boy right?" I said. My father shot me a disapproving look. I smiled innocently in response.


"Come on father, even if it isn't now, one day I'll have a boyfriend then husband." I said. He replied. "I know that but that doesn't mean I like the idea of my only daughter getting all cosy with a foreign boy."

I chuckled. "Relax father, I promise I won't get all cosy with a foreign boy in your face." My father sighed. "Children, they grow up way too fast." "I agree. One minute you are changing their diapers the next they're confronting you and asking for your permission to date." I said while pretending to be melancholic.

"Julianna." My father reprimanded me halfheartedly. I said. "You don't have to worry, father. Even if I do date, I will always be your daughter. My priority will still be my country and my family. I just have someone that will stand by me through thick and thin then."

"I know I don't have to worry. You may be reckless sometimes but I know you, sweetheart. You are a smart girl and you have a good heart. Those will take you far in life. I'm just upset that a boy will steal you away from me so soon." He sighed. I chuckled. "So does that mean I'm allowed to date?"

"Don't get pregnant and elope then we're good." He consented.

"I promise I won't get pregnant before marriage and elope from the kingdom." I said with a light laugh. Then I turned serious. "All jokes aside, I meant to ask you this father. How did you made mother come around to the idea of the council?"

My mother was absolutely livid but after a long talk with my father she still wasn't pleased at the idea but she had stopped making objections. She didn't help plan things out or anything but she wasn't obstructing us either.

My father smiled mysteriously. "Something you should remember my dear is that your mother and I have been married for more than two decades. I know her very well by now. Sometimes it just takes more time to let her accept some things."

"You're not going to give me a clear answer, I'm guessing." I said.

He chuckled. "Some things are better kept a secret, Julianna."

"Hmm. I suppose. Like the fact I secretly have a fiancé and we are planning to elope the country then get married somewhere in the sunny Caribbean. You're right some things are better being kept a secret." I nodded seriously.

"Not funny, Julianna." My father deadpanned. One look at his expression and I burst into laughter. For the first time in a while, I completely relaxed.

When my laughter died down, a smile decorated my lips. I felt completely at ease. Just a little longer then I will be free. Then I can finally reunite with a particular brown haired boy with captivating blue green eyes that has been haunting my dreams.

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