Rule #21: No Shouting

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Rule #21: No Shouting

I broke multiple rules in the span of less than half an hour. The moment Dante left the room, hell broke loose. The number one rule I broke was no shouting.

"Mother! What has gotten into you?! You were eavesdropping and accusing an innocent man!"

My mother retorted. "If I hadn't passed by and overheard what you were saying our kingdom will be gone!" My father spoke. "Victoria, darling, you are overreacting." She raised her voice. "Now I'm the one overreacting?! Elijah! Your daughter is suggesting us to share our power! How can you even think about agreeing!"

"I never said you will be sharing power! I just said we should give our people the right to voice their opinions on their homeland! Mother, since when are you this power crazy?"

She said angrily. "I am not power crazy but what you are suggesting is breaking the traditions that have been here since the Lockhart-Farrington family took over the throne!"

"We've already broke tradition long ago and only now you are starting to protest?" I said.

"Victoria, calm down. Julianna has a point. Society and people's minds change as time pasts, to ensure Odivalon continues to grow as a country, improvements have to be made." My father said soothingly.

"Elijah! You can't be agreeing with her?" My mother exclaimed, her tone incredulous. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Look, mother, if we don't change, our kingdom will not develop more. Our position in the world is already teetering seeing that people think we are underdeveloped as a monarchy when we are anything but. If we open up more to our people, the rest of the world will see us in a different light. We are not some old fashioned stubborn stuck up family but rulers that actually care and will listen to their people's propositions regardless of social status and government system."

My mother stared at me and suddenly something seemed to dawn upon her. A bad feeling settled in my gut. I took a step back instinctively.

"So this is all it's about." She muttered.

"Mother?" I questioned. She laughed. It sent chills down my spine. I glanced at my father in panic. His expression was impassive.

"So this is it. All because we are old fashioned?"

My eyes widened. My mother has officially gone insane.

"Victoria-" My father started but was cut off by his wife. "That's it. I've had enough of this nonsense. Julianna, you are grounded starting from this exact moment."

My jaw dropped. "What the he-"

"I don't want to hear a word. You will not leave the palace nor will you be allowed to keep in touch with that American boy." She ordered.

"Father! What is wrong with her?!"

"Julianna, leave us. I will talk to your mother."

"There's nothing to talk about. That boy is a horrible influence. Ever since she met him, she has been swimming in scandals and rumours and it is jeopardising our family name. No doubt he is the one that fed her with this ridiculous notion of a council." My mother said stiffly. I stared at her in disbelief. After a moment, I blurt this out.

"I hate you. I hope you're glad that you've ruin my life. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. I. Absolutely. Hate. You." I said each word slowly with precision. Her face turned as white as a sheet of paper. I then left the room, slamming the door loudly behind me.

I ran towards the drawing room where Dante was waiting. Streams of hot tears trickled down my cheeks. When I burst through the doors, Dante swerved around to meet my eyes. Shock filled them as he took in my dishevelled state. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest. He said nothing as I sobbed.

"What's the matter?" As I pulled away he asked.

"My mother has officially ground me for an indefinite period and she also said I am not allowed to see you ever again. She also shut down the people's council idea without hesitation."

His eyes widened. "Why?"

I laughed humourlessly. "Apparently giving the people the right to voice their opinions equal sharing power and she feels threaten by that. She thinks you're the one that gave me the idea for this thing."

"Jules..." He gently raised a hand to wipe the tears from my face tenderly. I sniffed. "Why won't she even hear me out or give the idea a second thought? Is it because I'm the one that gave the suggestion not Julian?"

"Jules-" Dante started to speak but was cut off when the doors to the drawing room was threw opened. In came my father, my mother along with Henry and two of the royal guards. The two men had similarly grim expressions on their face. I felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach as I paled.

My mother's gaze turned freezing as she took in the scene in front of her. Dante still had his arms around me. She spoke icily.

"You are no longer welcome in this household, Mr Williams."

Dante spoke calmly. "I can see that, Ma'am but before I leave, at least let me make sure she will be okay. I am her friend."

"You've lost that right the moment you gave her the ridiculous idea you dare call a proposition." She hissed.

Dante's eyes turned cold. "Your daughter was merely expressing her opinion. As a free human being, she is entitled to that right. I did not 'fed' her with anything as you put it before."

"Do not talk about rights with me, you insolent young man. Leave this house instantly before I am forced to use force."

Dante narrowed his eyes. "Ma'am-"

"Leave before I revoke your entire family's permanent residency!"

He stiffened. I was in shock. How could she be so cruel as to threaten people that are not involved. I pulled myself away from Dante's embrace. I looked him in the eyes.

"Go." I whispered. He shifted his gaze to me. They softened as they took me in.


"Go. Please, I don't want to hurt you or your family."

His lips hardened into a thin line. I placed my hand gently on his arm.

"Thank you for everything. For being my best friend all this time."

"Jules-" He started again but I shook my head, silencing him.

"Goodbye, Dante."

He fixed me with his piercing gaze. Then he did something no one in that room expected him to do especially me. He grabbed me by my waist then he leaned down and kissed me. 

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