Rule #15: Do Everything You Do With Pride

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Rule #15: Do Everything You Do With Pride

"Your friend, Rachel doesn't seem to know much about Odivalon politics." I commented as we ate our ice cream.

"She's not my friend and she's not from Odivalon either. She's from L.A. her parents are working here and well, I think you can tell politics is the last thing on her mind." Dante said as he stole a spoonful of my ice cream. I shot him a glare before digging my spoon into his as revenge.

"It's refreshing to have someone not know who I am since I'm constantly hounded wherever I go if not for Derrick and the others." I jerked my head towards my bodyguard who sat a table away from us.

"The girl also has a serious crush on you." I continued, feeling thoroughly amused. Dante sighed. "Don't, Jules." I chuckled. "Just saying. You'll have to be blind to not notice it. She literally came up to my face and demanded to hang out with you when she clearly knew we had plans already." He groaned.

"I don't blame the girl though. If I was anyone else, I wouldn't be able to resist those looks too." I said. That, sparked his intrigue. "Oh really? So you're saying you were once at some point affected by my looks?"

"You are a good looking guy there's no point in denying that. Though I never said I was ever affected by your looks. I'm just saying you're easy on the eyes. " I tried to play it cool. Dante smirked at me. "Hmm." I rolled my eyes and pointed at him with my spoon. "Eat your ice cream before it melts."

"I like yours better." He said as he ate another spoonful of my ice cream.

"Dude, we got the same flavours just different toppings!" I exclaimed. He flashed me a lopsided grin in reply. For a split second, I was distracted. Damn his good looks. Dante didn't seem to notice as he continued to eat from my cup of ice cream.

I shot him another glare before eating from his cup of ice cream. Derrick abruptly stood up from his seat. I jumped. "Everything all right?"

"Reporters." He responded calmly as he jerked his head in the direction of the shop window. We glanced outside and saw there were indeed a few reporters. They were still taking pictures of us even though we had caught them in action.

"They just can't ever leave me alone." I muttered. Dante gave me a sympathetic smile. I sighed. Derrick asked. "Shall I ask them to leave, your royal highness?" I shook my head. "Don't bother. They're like parasites, you won't be able to get rid of them easily."

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" Dante asked. I nodded. We finished our ice cream, discarded the cups and walked out with Derrick. The few reporters immediately rushed towards us.

"Princess! Is this Dante Williams?"

"Are you two on a date?"

"Why are you friends with a commoner?"

I froze for a moment at the last question but resumed walking. Derrick pushed them away when they got too close.




The three overly persistent reporters continued to bug me. Dante was the one who stopped walking to address them. I looked at him. He gave me a reassuring look before speaking.

"Why isn't she allowed to be friends with a commoner? Is there a rule saying a princess and a normal guy can't be friends? Even if we are on a date which we are not, why does it matter to you?" He questioned, his tone calm but there was an underlying sharpness to it.

"Yes, she is the royal princess of this kingdom. She's second in line to the throne and she's probably one of the most privilege girls in the world but she still needs a friend. I am both honoured and happy to be able to be that friend for her. I would appreciate it if you guys will let us continue this friendship without too much disturbance." For the second time since I met him, I felt the dangerous cold aura surrounding Dante. I studied him.

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