Rule #26: Have Courage

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Rule #26: Have Courage

I will be perfectly honest and say my first kiss isn't Dante. I've kissed boys before, actually just one boy but I have to say this. That kiss was nothing compared to kissing Dante Williams.

Dante tightened his grip on me and kissed me back firmly. When we finally pulled away, I was breathless. He grinned down at me. "Well that was unexpected. I thought it was unladylike for ladies to initiate kisses nonetheless a princess to do so. Don't you have a rule against that?" I replied. "Screw the rules."

"Language, Jules." He chuckled. He unwound his arms around me and entwined our fingers together. Then he pulled us to the piano bench. I asked. "How did you get in?"

"Your brother and Henry helped. It was killing Henry that you looked so lost and down, he informed your brother about it and asked for his help when he came back. I was going nuts when I couldn't get any news from you. I'm guessing your mother has something to do with you not answering your calls, texts and emails." Dante said. I looked down at our entwined hands but said nothing.

"There was no way I could waltz in here in broad daylight unnoticed so your brother suggested that I use one of the secret passages." He continued.

I snapped my gaze up at him in shock. He said. "Your brother said the passages weren't meant to be known by outsiders but he said this was an exception." I was shocked that Julian and Henry went to such lengths to let me see Dante again. Henry could get fired and banished while Julian could be disinherited for revealing the secret getaway paths within the palace. They were for the royal family to escape when terrible things happened back in the olden days. Nowadays, they are still kept secret so if there are any emergencies, the royal family can escape quietly.

"So with their help I snuck in via the secret passage ways and now I'm here."

I squeezed his hand. He smiled. "I missed you, Jules." "I missed you too." I replied softly. For a short moment, our gazes locked and we smiled at each other. It was Dante who broke the spell first. His expression turned serious. "Your brother told me you are planning a confrontation against your parents. Are you sure that's a good idea?"

I sighed. "It's not the best idea but it's the most effective. The renewal ceremony of the Odivalon Constitutional Rights is in two weeks. I have to convince my parents before then so they can make amendments in the contract they will sign. If I miss this chance, I'll have to wait another five years for the next. I can't wait for that long. My cousins and their family will provide me with the support I need to win over my parents whether by force or persuasion."

"You're determined." He stated. I nodded. "For the sake of my people, yes. I will not back down. I know the consequences but that's a price I'm willing to pay."

Dante smiled at me. "I am proud of you. If only your mother could see you from my eyes or the eyes of those who respect you. You are a wonderful princess."

"Thank you."

Dante glanced at his watch. "There's not much time left. I have to tell you something." I felt sadden by the thought of him leaving again but I tried to remain calm. "What is it?" Dante lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "I know girls want a prince charming to protect them and support them but unfortunately I'm not a prince. I can't fight your battles but know that I will always be by your side. Even if you don't see me, I'm there. Julianna Anne Mary Elizabeth, I'm not a prince nor a knight in shining armour but I promise to always stand by you even when the sky is falling apart. I don't have any gold or riches to offer nor a magnificent castle but if you need a shoulder to lean on and a comforting presence, I can give it all to you."

I smiled at him through tears. "Thank you, Dante." Then I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly. Dante is no prince charming or knight in shining armour as he said it, but I don't need any of those. No prince or knight is comparable to him because he has what others don't. Dante Williams has my heart.

There was a knock on the door before Julian emerged along with Henry. "Hey, sorry sis but he has to leave now." Julian said. I released him from my hug and stared up at his face.

Dante pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before standing up. "I'll see you soon, Jules. Promise." He gave me one last smile before leaving the room with Henry guiding him to the passage he came from. Julian walked over and took a seat beside me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked quietly.

"Fine." I answered. In fact I felt more than fine. I could feel adrenaline and determination coursing through my veins. I steeled my resolve in that instant. If there was any hesitancy before on confronting my parents it was all gone now.

I will confront my parents for the sake of my people, my kingdom and most importantly for the one that has my heart. This is one battle I cannot afford to lose. Too much is at stake.

"We can do it." Julian spoke suddenly. I glanced up at him. He wasn't looking at me but I could see a smile on his face.

"Perhaps our relationship with mother and father will never be the same again but this is the right thing to do. We must do it. That's what we were taught right? To stand our ground and fight for what's right." Julian said.

I smiled. "And to have courage. No battle can be won without courage. We were raised to be leaders and leaders fight for the welfare of their people."

Julian finally looked at me. His smile was radiant and I could see the resolution in his eyes. "What do you say little sister? I think we still have an agreement contract to draw up."

"I say let's get this show on the road." I smiled back.

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