Rule #10: Never At A Loss For Words

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Rule #10: Never At A Loss For Words

The next day, at approximately six in the morning, we left for London. Somehow Dante seemed pretty awake while I was still half asleep.

"Slept well?" I mumbled.

"Pretty good. I can't say the same for you though." He chuckled at my disoriented state. I yawned. "I need my eight hours of sleep daily and I only got six hours last night."

"Get some sleep now then. We won't reach London for another few hours anyway."

"But I'm supposed to keep you entertained. You're my guest." I pouted like a child. I could act like a seven year old when I don't have enough sleep. Dante smiled. "Just get some sleep, Jules. I can entertain myself very well."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Now sleep." He didn't need to say anything more. I shut my eyes and was out cold.

When I woke up again, I found myself leaning on his shoulder and he had dozed off too. It was supposed to be a cute moment like those in the movies except that I forgot we were in the car and when I looked up to see his face so close to mine, when I woke up, I got surprised and shrieked.

Dante woke up with a start and jumped. He winced in pain when he bumped his head on the car's ceiling, hard. I moved away from him and he, from me. We then stared at each other as we calmed down before bursting into large fits of laughter.

Louis glanced back at us from the rear view mirror in confusion. He probably thought we were nuts. First I screamed then started laughing like a maniac. When our laughter died down to small chuckles, Dante spoke.

"You know, in movies that was supposed to be a romantic moment right?"

"Too bad I'm not a sucker for romance then." I stuck my tongue out at him. He chuckled again. We then gazed at each other still smiling at how we were such idiots. Louis finally interrupted our moment.

"Your royal highness, Mr Williams, we've just reach London."

We immediately stared out the window to take in the view of the pretty London streets. Louis skilfully manoeuvred the car through the streets until we reached a grand looking hotel in the city.

I frowned as I noticed some members of the press, seemingly had already caught word of my appearance and are lurking outside the hotel entrance waiting for my arrival. I was seriously annoyed.

"You okay?" Dante tapped me on my shoulder.

"I'm fine. Just a little annoyed." I replied. He glanced out of the window. "You'll be fine."

"I know I will be except I can't say the same for you." I stated darkly before Derrick came over to open my car door. The cameras started flashing the moment I stepped out. It was even worse when Dante followed behind me.

"Princess Julianna! Is that your boyfriend?"

"Princess Julianna! Who's the guy?"

"Hey you! What's your relationship with the princess?!"

I saw Dante visibly cringed at the bright flashes of light. My security team surrounded us and made sure none of the reporters got too close. I stopped in my path when I heard one of the reporters yelled.

"Princess! Is that your boy toy?!"

I was completely frozen. My exterior was calm but on the inside, I was positively seething. My bodyguards stopped walking as well when they noticed I stopped. Derrick leaned down to say to me.

"Your royal highness, we have to keep moving."

I shook my head. Dante looked at me, puzzled. My gaze swept through the crowd of reporters that had grown slightly quiet as I stopped. My gaze fell on someone. In the crowd of reporters stood one lanky guy with an indignant look on his face. His eyes shone with a light of madness.

I recognised him. He appeared in many events I attended before and always had the rudest and most impertinent questions ever. He seemed to have an unexplainable hatred towards the royal family. I took a step forward and beckoned for him.

"You were the one that asked that question right? Come forward and let me answer it then." My voice wasn't loud but it echoed through the crowd as they made way for the reporter. He proudly held out his mic for me to answer.

"You know I wouldn't have minded so much if you had merely called him my boyfriend." It was silent except for the camera clicks and my voice.

"Even if you don't respect me, shouldn't you have basic respect towards another human being? Imagine yourself in his shoes being called someone's boy toy. Won't it hurt you?" I questioned the reporter, thoroughly displeased at his attitude.

"I know it is your job to get the inside details or 'scoop' on my life but have consideration for others, please. We may be associated but that doesn't mean you get to make crude remarks to him in front of his face too!" I rebuked. I stared at the reporter that looked anything but remorseful before shaking my head.

"Never mind. It doesn't matter since you won't take my words into consideration for improving your behaviour. To answer your question, no he is not my 'boy toy' as you oh so rudely put it. He is my friend and he is merely here as my plus one to keep me company. Our current relationship is friendly and nothing more. I don't know if it will turn into something else in the future as I'm no fortune teller but I can tell you this. He is a normal person and I would appreciate it very much if you all would not bother him and let him live a life of normalcy. Thank you very much." My tone was almost cutting near the end but I composed myself to not explode in public.

I turned to face Dante. He was staring at me with an indecipherable expression. I asked. "Anything you want to add?" He shook his head. "I think you've got it covered." He glanced at the crowd of reporters and for once, I felt a completely different aura emitting from him, it felt borderline dangerous. His gaze was cold and sharp like a blade. I swore one of the reporters shuddered when his gaze met theirs.

"Shall we go in now?" He asked. I nodded silently. Derrick and the rest of the security team wordlessly escorted us into the hotel, leaving the crowd of reporters outside in exchange for some peace and quiet.

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