Rule #25: Always Be Prepared

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Rule #25: Always Be Prepared

I was ecstatic that Herman and the others agreed to help me. I wasn't mad at Joseph either. He made a choice and I respected that. Cecily had reassured me that they will talk to their parents and ask for them to support me.

I had no doubt they will gladly do so. No matter how much has changed, one thing about a monarchy will never alter, the others yearning for power. With my influential relatives on my side, I'm convinced I can make my parents agree. If they don't I'll open this matter to the public.

I frowned slightly at the thought of that. I hope it will never come to that, an uprising is not what I want. It would only cause chaos within the kingdom. After Herman and the rest of the gang left, Julian and I started to discuss terms for an agreement contract. We wanted our relatives to sign it before we made our next move.

It was then I noticed Julian was distracted. He kept glancing at his phone. I asked. "Everything all right? Are you expecting a call from someone?" He looked up and was about to reply when his phone rang. He immediately picked it up. I raised an eyebrow. I stared at him as his expression morphed into one of utter excitement.

He hung up really quick and soon after abruptly stood up from his seat. "Come on." He urged me.

He started to exit the room and I followed behind him. "Where are we going? I'm still grounded you know."

"Don't worry we're not leaving the palace." He said as he continued to walk. We passed by a few staff members but none of them questioned what we were doing.

We were approaching a more secluded area of the palace. The guest quarters which were vacant at the time since we had no guests. Multiple times I asked Julian what were we doing there but he didn't answer. Finally he stopped in front of a cream coloured door.

"The Ivory Room?" I said. What the heck were we doing there?

The Ivory Room was one of my favourite rooms in the palace. Just like it's name, the theme for the room is ivory. The room is decorated beautifully with ivory coloured furniture and drapes with a hint of gold. The most gorgeous piano sat in the middle of this room. I loved the Ivory Room and I would constantly come here to play the piano but I guess I didn't have much time as I grew older.

"Be prepared." Julian suddenly said. I was confused. "Prepared for what?" He shrugged. "Go in." He opened the door and held it for me. I looked at him weirdly before entering the room. I immediately froze. I blinked not being able to believe what I was seeing.

"Impossible..." I breathed out.

Standing inside the room was an incredibly handsome young man with dark brown hair and bright blue green eyes. He wore a familiar smile on his face.

"Hey, Jules." He spoke.

I was definitely prepared for anything but this. It felt like my heart stopped beating for a full minute as I stared at him in disbelief. He opened his arms wide. "No hug for your best friend?" I stared at him blankly before throwing myself at him.

He caught me as my arms wrapped around his neck. He literally swept me off my feet. I buried my face in the crook of his neck as he embraced me tightly. I didn't care that my brother was in the room with us. All I cared about in that moment was him and his arms around me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tightened my arms around him.

Eventually, Dante pulled back a little to look at me. He still had his arms around me as he looked me up and down from head to toe. I took in his appearance as well. I noticed he had dark bags under his eyes and he looked as if he hadn't slept properly in a long while.

"Don't cry." He said as he lifted a hand and gently wiped my tears.

"I can't believe it." I exclaimed softly. He smiled down at me. Julian interrupted our moment.

"Pardon my interruption but I just have to say that I'll be in the room across this one. I'm sure the both of you will want some privacy."

I looked back at him. "Thank you, Julian. Thank you so much." My dear older brother smiled softly. "You're welcome. You have 20 minutes, I'm scared one of the maids may walk pass here or something. I have Henry to stall them, but that's all the time we got. If word gets to mother..."

"I know. Thank you again, Julian." I said.

Dante nodded at him. He smiled at us before leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind him.

I stared up at the guy who had wound his way into my heart. He smiled gently at me. I was entranced by him. Perhaps in someone else's eyes, he looked awful. He had dark shadows underneath his eyes, his hair was messy not in the sexy way, he was dressed in a hoodie and casual jeans, but to me, never had he looked any more handsome than he did in that moment.

"Jules?" He enquired. I said nothing and continued to stare at him. I lifted my hand and gently traced his jaw. He gave me a quizzical look. I didn't explain. I knew I missed him terribly but finally having him here in front of me, I realised that I didn't just missed him. The whole time he was gone, my heart was too. He took it with him. Now, feeling his warmth around me, I felt more content than ever.

My gaze lingered on his lips. I was reminded of when he kissed me before we were separated. It was a quick kiss but I felt his emotions. His desperation and feelings. Dante noticed my gaze and he leaned in, only stopping when we were inches apart. His gaze met mine in question.

I smiled then kissed him.

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