Rule #29: Follow Your Heart

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Rule #29: Follow Your Heart

Finally the wait was over. The day of the ceremony was at long last here. I was up before the break of dawn to start getting ready. Core members of the royal family are all required to be present for the ceremony. Cecily, Herman and the others will all be there as well. Although they will be part of the audience rather than on the stage.

Lila was helping me get ready and as she was doing so, she said to me. "I'm so glad you are happy again, your royal highness." She was running a brush gently through my hair at the time.

I looked at her through the mirror. "Why do you say that?" She paused her movements for a second before speaking. "You were rather unlike yourself for a while, Princess. I'm just glad you are fine now." She smiled at me. I returned her smile.

I was soon dressed in a sleeveless coral dress, a thin white belt and white pumps. My only accessories was a pair of turquoise earrings and a small gold bangle. My hair was in soft waves left loose hanging down my back. I took in my appearance in the mirror and smiled satisfactorily. 

"You look gorgeous, your royal highness." Lila gushed. I replied. "Thank you." There was a knock on my door then. When it opened, it revealed Julian. He smiled at me. "You look great, Julianna."

"Thank you, brother dear." I curtsied. He chuckled. "Come on. Let's go eat something before going through the last minute details."


The ceremony was to be held in a hall in the city. A total of 500 people will witness the event including, citizens, press members and royal/noble family members.

I was feeling a little nervous. The public has no idea of the newly added term into the contract. The people's council will only be announced during my father's speech before the official signing.

Julian and I had went through every single detail to make sure  nothing would go wrong during the ceremony. We had just finished going through the last of the list when we arrived at the venue. Louis spoke quietly. "Your royal highnesses, we are here."

There were press members that didn't made it in waiting outside. They started snapping photos the moment our car arrived. Derrick and the security team were right behind us. They got out of their car and immediately walked over to ours.

Derrick opened the door and Julian got out first. Then he helped me out. We calmly walked to the entrance of the venue and entered. People greeted us and we greeted them back.

We went to the backstage where our parents were already there getting ready. They are the stars of the show so they were there even earlier than us.

"How are you feeling, father?" I asked him.

"A little nervous." He admitted. I teased. "I thought you would be used to all these by now, father dearest." He chuckled. "You can never stop being anxious about being in the public eye, my child."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Julian talking to our mother. I asked quietly. "How is she?" My father glanced over at them before answering. "Your mother will slowly come around to the idea. Give her some time, Julianna. She is the Queen of Odivalon, deep down she knows this is what's best for our kingdom and people." I nodded in reply.

"Pardon my interruption, your majesty, your royal highness, the ceremony will begin in 20 minutes." One of the staff informed us. I said. "Very well. Thank you." He gave us a polite bow before walking away.


"A very good morning to everyone. I would like to thank you all for making time to attend today's ceremony." My father began his speech before the official signing event. We were seated on the stage. Smiling courteously at the audience.

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