Rule #16: Be Charitable

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Rule #16: Be Charitable

I didn't see Dante for the next few weeks. I was constantly jetting around to attend this meeting and that event. I barely kept in touch with him. That's just how busy I was.

"Your royal highness, we are so glad you could make it." I smiled politely at the elderly man in front of me. He was an American multimillionaire that made a huge fortune from his trading business. He also loves charity work and founded one of the largest charity organisations in the world.

I was invited to attend one of the charity events he hosted annually. Since it's an unspoken rule that princesses have to have a heart of gold and does as much charity work as they can. I smiled and made polite small talk with him. Derrick was shadowing me as usual. When the elderly man finally walked away to talk to someone else. I heaved out in relief before composing myself to look like the perfect princess.

"Are you all right, your royal highness?" Derrick asked.

"I'm fine. Just tired." I answered. It was true. I was so busy juggling work and lessons with Catherine via online, I've barely had time to rest properly.

"We will be back on familiar ground in a few days." He said consolingly. I nodded. He's right. Just a couple more days and I'll be back home. Hopefully I'll manage to squeeze in some much needed rest before resuming work and studies.

It was as I watched businessmen and politicians mingle together that the thought struck me. Dante and I hadn't talked to my father about the people's council idea. We forgot to discuss it with my father when he brought up our scandal. After that, we were both occupied with other things.

I cursed internally. I needed to talk to Dante after I get back. We needed to discuss ways to break the idea to my father. "Princess?" I was brought back to reality when I heard Derrick calling me.


His lips twitched. "You were staring into space with an interesting expression on your face." I coughed. "No one saw right?"

"I don't think so."

I glanced around. "Do you think I can sneak out to make a call?" He raised an eyebrow. "That must be a really important call for you to risk sneaking out, your royal highness."

"It is. So?"

"I think you can risk it for five minutes."

"You will cover for me right?"

"The call is of national importance." Derrick immediately said. I smiled. "Good." I slipped away to the balcony with him guarding the entrance.

I dialled Dante's number. I figured my parents can afford one international phone call (They better be able to, it'll be extremely embarrassing if the royal family can't even afford a phone call) . He picked up after the fourth ring.

"Hello?" He sounded distant.

"Hey, it's me."

"Jules. Hey, how are you?" He asked.

"Busy. I'm drowning in work."

He chuckled. "I'm not surprised. I've seen a lot of you on the news."

"Yeah well, at least it's for a good cause. Anyway, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Are you pregnant? I can assure you I'm not the father." He stated seriously. I laughed but rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm very much not expecting a baby. In fact I'm on my period right now." I said matter of factly.

"Good to know but that's rather unnecessary information."

"Is it? It's not like I'm telling you how it feels like to stand up after sitting for too long and having all the blood gush out like the Niagara falls and-"

"All right. Stop, please." He begged. I laughed out loud again.

"What is it that you want to talk  about?" He asked after I stopped laughing.

"Our game plan for the people's council suggestion. How are we gonna break it to my parents?"

"We've completely forgot about that didn't we."


"You speak French?"

"I speak five languages. We're getting side tracked again." I said.

"Sorry, my bad."

"It's fine. So?" I asked.

"Why don't we discuss this when you get back? I'm guessing you're at some party or charity event judging from the music in the background and chattering." He said.

"You're right. I'm in a charity event right now. So my place or yours when I'm back?"

"How about mine? You've never been to my house."

"If that's all right with you."

"I'm looking forward to it." He said.

"See you soon, Dante." I smiled.

"Goodbye, Jules." There was something about his voice in that moment that made me feel weird. I felt warm and fuzzy all over. I was still holding the phone even after he had hung up.

"Princess?" I jumped slightly when Derrick called me.

"Huh? Right. Come on, let's go back in." I said.

Derrick raised an eyebrow at my distracted state but made no further comment.


[A few days later]

I was surrounded by my security team as I made my way out of the airport. As per usual, there was a lot of reporters. Some asking about my trip, some on political issues and some on my friendship with Dante. Of course they didn't used the word friendship, instead they used relationship which can imply a multitude of things.

I didn't answer any of their questions. When I finally got into the car sent for me, I felt relief washed over me.

"Straight back to the palace, your royal highness?" It was Louis behind the wheel.

"Yes, please. I'm exhausted."

"Very well, Princess."

I suddenly straightened up from my seat and grabbed my phone out of my bag. I dialled a number that I've memorized by heart.

"Welcome back, Jules." He answered almost immediately. I smiled. "Thanks. I was wondering, when is it good for me to come over tomorrow?"

"How about after 11 o'clock? That okay with you?"

"Sounds perfect. I get to sleep till at least nine." I said enthusiastically. He chuckled. "That tired huh?"

"Worse. I feel like I can pass out the moment my head touches the pillow."

"Rest well then, I don't want you falling asleep on me even though it wouldn't be the first time."

I was reminded of the time I fell asleep on his shoulder when we went to London together and I laughed softly.

"I won't. I'll see you tomorrow, Dante."

"See you, Jules."

Again, there was something about his voice that made feel odd, but not the bad kind of odd. Odd because I'm not used to it but I don't think I mind getting used to feeling all warm and soft because of Dante Williams.

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