Rule #14: Arch The Back

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Rule #14: Arch The Back

After the meeting with my father and James yesterday, I threw myself into lessons and duties to clear my afternoon for Monday. I was so diligent that even Catherine was surprised when she saw me.

"You seem extremely motivated." She commented at my abnormally hardworking self. I gave her a quick smile before continuing with my homework. "If I want tomorrow afternoon off, I have to cram everything together."

"I've read the articles. A lot of people are shipping you two together."

"People always liked the idea of a Cinderella story but in my case, it's more of an Aladdin-like story but there's no genie or villain involved. Just a guy and a princess. Tangled, perhaps just that he's not a thief but he does have the good looks."

"From the picture Elaine Shelton posted, he does seem handsome." Catherine said with a smile.

"He is. Did you know? Giovanni Alberto even offered him an exclusive model deal but he turned him down."

"Hmm, I can imagine girls being smitten with him if he does become a model or celebrity in general. Even now many of them are crazy over him. Which is why I'm curious, what do you think about him?" Catherine asked teasingly. I shrugged and answered nonchalantly.

"I am not superficial but I will admit his looks can be a distraction under some circumstances."

"Only some?" Catherine was positively amused. I rolled my eyes. "Let us continue with the lesson shall we?" She chuckled. "As you wish, my princess."


The next day, after I finished my last meeting before meeting up with Dante, I didn't even went back to the palace for a change of clothes, I asked Louis to drive us to St. Julian's.

We arrived just in time. I watched as students filed out of the school one after another. There were no reporters around, I figured my father took care of the matter.  When I finally saw the familiar figure I got out of the car as Derrick followed suit. He quickly came over to my side and stayed close.

"You're being extra careful, Derrick."

He glanced at me before saying. "I would prefer it if you would stay in the car but since I know you won't. I'll stick close." I cracked a smile at his expressionless face. I noticed we were garnering quite a bit of attention. I heard whispers but ignored them all. I raised my hand and waved at Dante. He caught sight of us and hurried over.

"Took you long enough, slow poke."

"If you have history lessons with a man that doesn't know when to shut up then you'll understand how I feel." He said.

He then took in my appearance. "A little fancy for ice cream isn't it?" I replied. "I was at a meeting before this." I glanced down at my dress and felt a little self conscious. The navy blue flare skirt, long white lace sleeves, and high lace neckline along with white heels did seem a little much.

"Don't worry about it. You're a princess, you're allowed to look as fancy as you like." He said with a small smile.

"Even if I wear a poofy pink dress?" I joked. He nodded in confirmation. "Even in that. Although I suggest you don't ever wear that. I don't know much about female clothing but no matter how beautiful you look, that sounds horrifying."

I burst out laughing. I didn't notice how much attention we had attracted. Everyone was staring at us, listening in to our conversation. Derrick spoke lowly for us to hear.

"Perhaps the two of you should continue this conversation in the car."

Dante glanced around us before gentlemanly opening the door for me. "After you, Jules." I was about to get in when someone hollered.


More like screech, to be honest. A girl who hiked her skirt a little too short for school standards and wore heels that towered over my 4 inch ones approached the car. Derrick stopped her before she got too close.

"Who are you? Can't you move?" She demanded. I glanced at Dante. "Friend?" He looked a little annoyed. "Not exactly." The girl was still trying to get past Derrick but was failing miserably until I spoke.

"Derrick, let her through. I'm sure Dante would like to speak to her."

Dante shot me a subtle glare but I only smiled back sweetly. The girl gave Derrick a triumphant look as she brushed past him. She stopped in front of Dante and pouted. "Why didn't you wait for me after class? I thought we agreed to go to the mall together."

Dante ran a hand through his hair frustratedly, "Rachel, I never agreed to go to the mall with you. I already have plans to hang out with my friend." He glanced at me as he spoke. It was only then the girl, Rachel, seemed to notice me.

"With who? Her? Really?" I raised an eyebrow at her ignorance. That's interesting. Derrick frowned and looked like he was about to ask her to leave but I shook my head.

"I can handle this." I told him before addressing Rachel.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, Rachel."

She nodded with a bored look on her face. "Hi, do you think you can like reschedule or something with Dante? He promised to go to the mall with me." I smiled, feeling absolutely amused. Dante looked more displeased than I've ever seen him. He was always so calm and collected, it was rather funny to see him lose his cool.

"Rachel, I understand you want to hang out with Dante but I'm afraid we made our plans first so perhaps next time?"

She gave me an irritated look and opened her mouth to speak but instead someone else's voice was heard.

"Your royal highness, is everything all right?" It was Louis. He had exited the car and was speaking to me. I smiled at him. "Everything's fine, Louis. We'll be leaving now." He nodded before getting into the car again. I glanced at Derrick and he nodded. He spoke to Rachel. "Miss, perhaps you should leave now."

She was staring at me, eyes wide and mouth agape. I gave her another smile. "It was nice meeting you, but we should leave now." Dante wordlessly got into the car after me leaving Rachel still shell shocked. Derrick got into the passenger seat a second later.

I saw a girl approaching Rachel and she said. "You're lucky you got away with disrespecting the princess."

"What princess?" Rachel was clueless. The stranger girl rolled her eyes. "That girl, in the blue dress is Princess Julianna of Odivalon. She's the daughter of the reigning sovereign and sister to Crown Prince Julian."

I chuckled to myself as Louis drove away leaving behind the school and students.

"You sure are Mr Popular aren't you?" I teased Dante. He muttered as he slouched in his seat. "Don't get me started." I chuckled again but didn't push the topic.

"Arch your back, Williams. Proper posture is extremely important." I said slapping his shoulder while imitating the tone Catherine uses on me when lecturing.

"Are you really gonna lecture me on posture now, Jules?" He asked tiredly.

"Hey proper posture is really important! Arching your back isn't just something physical but it also symbolises not bending when pressured and- Okay, I'll leave you alone." I laughed at his dead look.

"Thank you." He heaved out as I continued chuckling.

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