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[A Few Years Later]

"Your royal highness! You're going to be late!" Lila exclaimed as she frantically helped me got ready.

"I know that." I said as I untied my hair from the bun it was in and shook the curls loose. Lila quickly ran a brush through it as I touched up my make up.

I had just landed back in Odivalon after a week long trip to Germany.  I had joined the first part of Julian's royal tour as a special guest. Today was the day Dante would graduate from university. I had told him I couldn't attend but I wanted to surprise him thus the last minute flight.

Dante took up a degree in political science and I was so happy for him. He was doing great. I was in university as well but I mostly took online classes to accommodate it to my busy schedule. We had been together for four years and I was very happy with him. There had been ups and downs especially when the press eventually dug up the truth on his past but we got through it all. Now, we were perfectly in love and learnt to avoid the paparazzi. Although we still get busted a lot.

Back to reality, I was in the airport's lounge make up room. I was still in the dress I wore for a short meeting before flying back. It was long sleeved with a black bow collar. I adjusted the bow before speaking.

"Do I look okay?" I asked Lila.

"You look great." She reassured me. Then we quickly left the room where Derrick escorted me to the car waiting for me outside.

"It's good to see you again, your royal highness." Louis greeted me.

"You too. Hurry, I'm already late." I said.

Derrick said after he got into the passenger seat. "Step on it, Louis. The princess doesn't want to be late for her special someone."

I rolled my eyes. "Just say boyfriend, Derrick. It's not like the word is vulgar or something." My large bodyguard chuckled in response.

It wasn't long before we finally arrived at the university Dante was attending. I took out my compact mirror and checked my appearance once last time.

"You look fine, your royal highness." Louis said to me. I replied. "Thank you, Louis." I was starting to feel slightly nervous. How would Dante react when he sees me?

The car was parked at the back entrance to the university. There was already someone there waiting for me. Derrick escorted me towards them after I got out of the car.

"Your royal highness." The man greeted me. I smiled politely in reply. He was a staff member working there. "Let me show you to the venue."

He led me to the auditorium where all the graduates were gathered. I was supposed to wait at the backstage until it was time for me to pop up and surprise my boyfriend. I even specifically told them to make sure Dante was last to receive the certificate so the line won't be held up.

"Will you be all right here, your royal highness?" The staff who brought me to wait at the backstage asked. I nodded. "I will be fine. Thank you." He bowed before leaving me and Derrick alone.

I started to fidget. "Are you nervous, Princess?" Derrick asked. I answered. "More than you can imagine." He gave me a small smile. "Mr Williams will be extremely happy to see you."

"I hope so." I replied. I could hear them making speeches and gradually announcing the names of the graduates. I was incredibly nervous. When it was the turn for the political science stream graduates, I immediately stood up from my seat.

I started pacing until a staff member approached me. "It's time, your royal highness." I nodded and followed her to the side of the stage.

"Dante Williams." His name was finally announced. I saw him making his way onto the stage and a smile slipped onto my face. Before the Dean handed him his certificate, the emcee spoke.

The Princess's Handbook Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora