Rule #20: Never A Hair Out Of Place

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Rule #20: Never A Hair Out Of Place

It was the day that Dante and I were supposed to talk to my father. I woke up feeling nervous. Just to ensure that nothing would go wrong on this day, I even had Henry squeezed our discussion into my father's schedule.

I called Dante after I was dressed and ready. He was on his way to the palace with Louis driving him. "Hey." I greeted when he picked up the call.

"Hello, Jules."

"I'm hella nervous right now. The last time I felt this much anxiety was when I gave my first public speech and that was like two years ago." I said.

"Relax, Jules. It's just your father." He said.

"Who also happens to be king and can ground me for life. Literally." I retorted.

He chuckled. "I don't think that will happen. Just calm down. I'll be there with you anyway."

"You know, it feels like we're telling them we're secretly married or something from how nervous I feel. No one would think that I just want to give a political suggestion." I spoke.

"Well, as much as I enjoy your company I have no intentions of being gutted alive by your royal guards, so please, refrain from making it sound like we are married and planning to elope." He said. I laughed lightly.

"Feel better?" He asked kindly. I replied. "A little. Thanks, Dante." "Anytime, Jules." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Are you here yet?" I asked as I sat down on my bed.

"Almost. Another 5 minutes." He answered.

"Gosh, I wish Julian is here. He would definitely be able to convince my parents." I sighed.

"Favourite child?" He asked. "Since birth. I don't blame them though. Julian is the perfect kid. Smart, polite and loved by everyone. The perfect prince. As for me, I may put up the front of perfect princess when attending events but everyone knows I don't abide to the royal rules as much as the other members of the family. It's understandable why I'm second favourite." I said.

"Well you're my favourite friend if it's any consolation." His voice was gentle. I smiled to myself.

"Thank you."

"Don't need to thank me, we are best friends aren't we?"

"That we are." I confirmed.

"I'm reaching the gates now. See you in a bit."

"I'll meet you in the library." I said before hanging up. I smooth out my skirt and glanced at my reflection one last time to make sure not a hair was out of place before leaving my room.

Time to meet up with my partner in crime and face our foe.

"You look nice. I half expected you to be in tattered jeans and a T-shirt." Dante said as he took in my appearance. I rolled my eyes. "Haha. Real funny. As if my father will take me seriously if I show up in his study looking the way you described."

"Well, who knows."

"Come on, let's go. I had Henry squeezed us into his schedule just to make sure we get to talk to him."

"Lead the way, Jules." He motioned towards the door.

We walked silently to my father's study and I knocked waiting for him to answer.

"Come in."

I opened the door and we entered together. My father smiled at us. "Hello, Dante. Take a seat the two of you." We simultaneously sat down opposite him.

"Hello, Sir." Dante replied politely. My father spoke. "Julianna, what is it you wanted to talk about?" I shifted nervously in my chair.

"It's nothing much, I just have some ideas for our kingdom that's all." I said. My father raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? What about Dante?" I cleared my throat before speaking. "He's here to offer moral support and to put me at ease." My father chuckled. "Okay, rest assured I don't bite. Now, what ideas do you have?"

"Well, no offence intended, father but you know that Odivalon's ruling system is quite literally ancient and flawed right?"

I could see the puzzlement in my father's eyes but he did not question where the conversation was going. "Yes, I am aware."

I caught Dante's eye. He gave me an encouraging smile. I spoke again. "The world is evolving and as time pasts, not just education systems and economic development plans change but political systems as well. Our kingdom is an absolute monarchy but we've strayed from the original definition of that term a long time ago. I was thinking that if we can change a system that is based on traditions, maybe we can incorporate more improvements to ensure Odivalon's growth."

"What do you suggest?" My father asked. I replied. "Before that, please understand that I think our kingdom is great and you and mother are amazing rulers. I just think you guys could use some help. You two are still human and the both of you are working yourselves to death." My father chuckled lightly at that.

"You say it as if you don't work a lot as well." I gave a small smile. "At least I still get sufficient rest." My father spoke. "Go on."

"I thought that if the two of you could get some extra help when it comes to political issues it would be better for the kingdom and your health." I explained. My father said. "What kind of help then?" In that instant, I was overcome with anxiety. I couldn't seem to get the words out of my lips. Dante set a warm hand on my fidgeting ones that were resting on my lap.

"Relax, Jules." He said soothingly. My father watched us quietly. I inhaled deeply before speaking again.

"I know it is not my place to interfere in political issues even though I am princess since I'm underage and all. It's more of Julian's forte when it comes to these kind of things as the heir apparent to the throne, but now that he's in college and I took over some of his duties, I see things in a different perspective and I'm starting to have my own opinions on our kingdom's ruling status. I have this idea that if we form a people's council of sorts, it would be good for all of us. I know our people want to contribute to Odivalon so what better way than to form a council for them to give suggestions and advice they deem right? You and mother will still have the final say but you will have more ideas and options before making a decision. What do you think, father?" I rushed out.

My father was silent for a moment, but when he opened his mouth to speak, he was cut short when someone barged into the room.

"I strongly disagree!" It was my mother. I jumped in shock.

"Mother! You were eavesdropping?!" I exclaimed. Dante was surprised too as was my father.

My mother glared at me. "Julianna, do you know what you are suggesting? And you! Are you the one who fed her with this preposterous idea? She has been getting worse since meeting you." She accused Dante. Anger coursed through me.

"Mother! That's insane! How can you blame him for my opinion? Dante didn't fed me anything. I was the one to ask for him his support." I shot back.

"Ma'am-" My mother interrupted Dante the moment he started to speak.

"Get out of this room right now!"

I gaped at her. What the hell has gotten into her? My father was disturbed as well. He tried to remain calm. "Dante, why don't you go wait in the drawing room. Julianna will join you in a short while."

Dante glanced at me worriedly. I said firmly. "Go, I'll meet up with you in a bit. I'll be fine. Promise." He nodded hesitantly and left the room with one last worried look at me. As the door shut behind him, chaos broke out.

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