Rule #18: Confidence Is Key

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Rule #18: Confidence Is Key

I followed Dante up the stairs to his room. It was located at the end of the second floor. He opened the door and stood to a side.

"Welcome to my humble quarters, your royal highness." He said with a mock bow. I rolled my eyes before entering the room.

It was blue and grey in theme. The walls were painted blue while his bed covers were grey. The curtains were white. It wasn't a very large room but it was big enough to fit all the necessities such as the double bed, closet and desk. There were also a few pictures hung up on his wall.

"Nice room. It feels very homey." I said.

"Glad you like it." He said and as promised to Louis and his parents, left the door partially ajar. Before I sat down on his bed I glanced at him and asked.

"May I?"

"Go ahead." He replied.

I sat down on his bed. It was not too soft nor too firm. I glanced at him again to see him smiling at me. In that moment I completely relaxed and laid down on his bed before sighing.

"Comfortable?" He enquired as he took a seat in front of his desk and turned the chair to face my direction.

"Very comfortable. Now shall we start?"


"I was thinking that I could ask you over this Sunday when my father's less occupied and we can talk to him then."

"Okay. I'm fine with that." Dante nodded.

"Now I need your help on how we should approach the subject." I stated.

"Depends, do you want to be aggressive or soft?"

"Hmm... soft? If it's my mother then definitely aggressive but we're talking to my father first."

"Perhaps you should bring up the fact you have ideas for Odivalon's political system." He offered.

"Won't that make me sound like I want to overthrow the monarchy or something?" I questioned skeptically.

"Not unless you make it sound like that. Perhaps say something like you think the people should be able to give political suggestions because they're citizens and they have the right to do so." Dante suggested.

"Okay, that makes sense." I said. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the bed then took a seat beside my lying figure.

"You're stressed." It wasn't a question but a fact.

"Well, for years my main task is to uphold the kingdom's image. Political issues aren't things I meddle with until Julian left for college and I'm suddenly swarmed with duties I've never even heard of before. Do you know I have to accompany foreign ambassadors and sometimes even join meetings when they're here? Me, a 17 year old that doesn't even have much interest in politics." Dante remained silent as I ranted.

"I love my kingdom but I don't really like politics. They're always too messy and gives me a headache especially when the foreign politicians want support from my country to help secure their pay slip. I don't have much choice though. Odivalon is an absolute monarchy but we have modernised the concept of it. Changes have been made throughout the years to accommodate it to modern standards of a government and to ensure Odivalon continues to grow, but there's still no denying that we are using a very old and flawed governmental system. Even I can see that. I want Odivalon to open up more to its people. Let them take a look at what goes on behind the scenes. My parents and their advisors and whoever else that works for the monarchy can only do so much. It's time for the people to voice their opinions and not blindly follow instructions." I breathed out deeply.

"Keep that up. That's a great way to discuss the subject with your father. Fearlessly voicing out what you think is right." Dante praised. I smiled. "Thank you, but I don't know, I don't want to piss my father off."

"You won't. I know you're worried because if this idea falls apart, so will your relationship with your parents."

"Yeah, I'm gambling a lot of things here. I could get into a whole lot of trouble for this." I pursed my lips.

"Hey, it'll be fine. Your father will listen to you. Your proposition is valid and logical. It's hard for a monarchy to survive in the modern world because like you said before, people think monarchies are undeveloped. In order for Odivalon to become better and more advance, present-day governing methods will have to be instilled into an old system to improve it. Your idea will be accepted." Dante said confidently.

"You are extremely sure of that because..?"

"Because you're Julianna. You're the princess that barged into the male toilets to hide from crazy fans and you're the one that gave an inspiring speech to a bunch of teenagers that would never listen to speeches but they did to yours. You turned down a once in a lifetime chance to model for some famous eccentric designer that sells overly priced clothing. You are the one that bravely showed up in public even after our 'scandal'. You're the princess that this entire country loves. You put your people before you, Jules. That's a trait even some democratic presidents lack. You are truly admirable, you just have to be confident in yourself. You can do this as long as you believe in yourself that you can." He said as he looked me straight in the eye.

I sat up from my lying position and stared back. For a while, we were silent as our gazes locked. I was almost lost in his eyes. The way they drew me in and held me captive. His gaze was steady and firm, it never flickered for a second. I could feel how confident he was that I can succeed in persuading my parents.

Dante believed that I can do it. I took in a deep breath before speaking. "Well, Mr Williams, have you ever considered being a motivational speaker as a career option? Because I can tell you confidently that you will be one of the best and richest if you ever do consider it." He smiled. "Unfortunately no, but I always have advice for my friends as long as they want it."

"Good, because I will definitely be needing more of it." I said with a smile.

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