Rule #19: Speak Your Mind But Don't Be Rude

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Rule #19: Speak Your Mind But Don't Be Rude

After finishing our discussion, it was still early. We started to talk about a lot of different things. I asked where did he lived in America? What school did he went to? Does he still keep in touch with his friends there?

He lived in New York City and he went to a public school there. As for the last question, he answered this.

"I do. In fact, do you want to talk to one of them now?" He held up his phone. He had probably set it to silent mode as it didn't rang out loud but on the screen it showed someone was calling him. A person named Jonah. It was also a FaceTime call.

I jumped up from the bed, out of view from the phone camera and Dante raised an eyebrow. I smiled at him. He seemed to get my message as he answered the call.

"Hey man what's up?" Dante greeted with a friendly smile.

"I'm all good. Also I've heard more theories on you and the princess." Jonah said.

"Really?" Dante gave me a quick glance. I stifled a laugh.

"Tell me. What did they came up with this time?" Dante leaned back onto his pillows and asked casually.

"Apparently you are planning to seduce the princess, make her fall in love with you and then marry her, before taking over the kingdom."

"I'm betting Jake came up with that one." Dante said.

"You're right." Jonah laughed. "Wanna hear another one?"

"Go on." Dante spoke.

"Theory number two, the princess is a lesbian and she's paying you to keep up a charade so she won't get discovered." Jonah chuckled uncontrollably. Dante looked extremely amused. "Those are some wild theories." Jonah replied. "Exactly. Imagine if the princess heard them, I would pay to see her reaction."

Dante seem to perk up at the piece of information. "Really? How much are you willing to pay?" Jonah answered. "At least 50 bucks." Dante responded enthusiastically. "Deal."

"Wha-" Jonah was cut short as I jumped onto the bed, into view. I threw and arm around Dante and leaned my head on his shoulder to squeeze myself into the camera view. I smiled.

"Hello, I'm Julianna but my friends usually call me Jules. It's nice to meet you." Jonah was completely speechless. He looked like a gold fish out of water at that moment. Dante laughed out loud. "You officially owe me 50 bucks."

"How- What- Wait- She has been there the whole time??!!" He exclaimed. I smiled mischieviously. "I've been here before you even thought of calling." Jonah gaped.

"You're really the princess?" He asked. I nodded. "The one and only." Dante said. "She may not look like one right now but trust me, she's the real deal. This is Princess Julianna of Odivalon." Jonah was in complete shock.

I glanced up at Dante just as he looked at me. My head was still on his shoulder and we were so close. For a moment, it felt like we were both spellbound. I blinked and the spell was broken. I glanced at his phone.

"I think your friend is in shock." I stated simply.

"He wanted to ask you a question but I think he's too out of it to say it now."

"Oh, the crazy theories one? I've heard worse. Apparently the Lockhart-Farringtons are a family of witches and wizards and we practice dark magic to ensure our position as head of the kingdom. That's the reason why we've been ruling for 200 years and counting." I said matter of factly as I straightened my position. My head leaving Dante's shoulder.

Jonah was still gaping and Dante choked out a laugh at that.

"Are you serious?"

"That's nuts."

Both said at the same time. I shrugged. "Don't be so surprised. Another theory is that I'm not actually a member of Lockhart-Farrington, I'm adopted when my birth parents left me on the doorstep to the palace."

"Are you?" Jonah finally came back to live and asked. I replied. "No. I have the DNA test to prove it." "Wait your parents actually did a DNA test to prove that the theory is fake?" Dante asked incredulously. "No. The DNA test was for other purposes. Something about wanting to keep records or whatever." I said.

"Anymore theories?" Jonah asked. I thought for a while before saying.

"There's this one that says that Odivalon has a secret army and we are planning to release some virus or something another and we will create a new world order."

They burst out laughing.

"Holy shit, that can't be real!" Jonah doubled over with laughter.

"Language." I reprimanded.

"Are you serious?" He asked dubiously.

"It is important to speak your mind as long as you aren't rude or use crude language. That's a royal rule." I stated.

"You have rules to follow? I thought members of a monarchy are unrestricted." He said.

Dante was the one to answer. "In terms of political power, they are unrestricted but when it comes to personal life and image the rules they have can be as thick as a dictionary." I nodded in agreement.

"He's right. So don't expect to see me acting like this in public. I'm pretty sure your American news has documented quite a bit on royal families around the globe so you should have a slight idea how royals act in public." I said.

"I definitely don't see you in a T-shirt and jeans from the news all right." Jonah said. I smiled. "Because I'm not even supposed to wear them."

"Wait, what?"

"It is against royal protocol to wear jeans as they are an item of clothing that is informal and unbecoming. All royals are required to be formally dressed when in public. " I mimicked my mother's tone of voice when she lectures me.

"That's true." Dante nodded. "Man you should've seen her when she showed up at my school wearing a dress she wore to a meeting. We were only going for ice cream but it looked like she was about to attend some formal party or something." Dante chuckled. I blushed. "I was running late and there was definitely not enough time for me to change into casual wear which I'm not even supposed to be seen in when I'm out."

"You two seem very close." Jonah observed. I shrugged. "He's my only best friend." "Well, I beg to disagree. I'm only around because she's paying me to keep the secret that she's a lesbian." Dante said seriously. All three of us burst into laughter.

"You're definitely not like what you seem to be on the news." Jonah said. I smiled. "I wouldn't trust anything the news say. They get all the 'juicy details' from paparazzi and we all know the paparazzi cannot be trusted."

Just then someone entered the room. It was Louis.

"Pardon me, lunch is ready, your royal highness, Mr Williams."

"We'll be right down." I said. Louis bowed politely before leaving the room. He didn't even bat an eyelash when he saw us two sitting together on the bed.

"Who was that?" Jonah asked.

"Jules's driver and chaperone. We've got to go too." He said.

"Bye, Jonah. It was nice talking to you." I waved at him.

"Bye, also next time, give a guy some warning when you have a princess in your bedroom. What if I said something insulting?" He complained. I laughed. "Do you hate me?"

"No." He said confused.

"Then you don't have to worry about that. Why would you say insulting things about someone you don't hate?" I smiled.

"Okay, true. Well, bye!"

"Bye." Dante and I said at the same time before the call ended. We then stood up from bed and stared at each other. Dante smiled at me and offered his arm. "May I have the honour of escorting the fair lady to lunch?"

I chuckled and slipped my arm through his. "You may."

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