From the same star-Hulk/Bruce Banner

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Their goal was to make him mad.
 Really mad.

              And they did.

Pietro helped me get there as soon as possible,because he is way faster than I am. We were followed by Clint ,Wanda and Vision. Cap,Tony,Natasha and Thor were there already.
I was mad also.
Tony said he has everything under control.

Not even minute later we all get message to come there asap because we have 'situation green'.
And to keep me safe.

-When we got there,it was a complete chaos.
HYDRA agents everywhere. How did this even start? I have no idea.I will have a long talk with Tony after this. We need to get Hulk out of this. They get here with three goals : to destroy us,to make Bruce angry,to take Hulk away. We can't let that happen. I won't let that happen.
I care about Bruce too much to let that happen. 
There he was,in the very middle of this chaos.

-Pietro put me down and Tony flew over to me. 
"Y/N you are here.Great.We don't want you to fight today,the only thing we want you to do is take Hulk away from here or at least help Bruce come back."
He pushed me behind wall as car flew over us and hit the spot where we were standing.
"Yes Tony but look at this mess! I can help,I can fight,I have told you I feel better" I said.
"No.We all agreed on this .Now ,stay safe and you know what to do
" he replied and flew back.
I had my knives round my waist ,in my jacket and under my loose jeans. I pulled my favourite one and ran out. Now from what I could see : Tony,War machine and Sam were in the air-taking agents down from the sky ; Pietro was using his superspeed to disarm agents in no time ; Clint was on one of the highest buildings of course taking agents down with his favorite weapon (bow and arrows) ;Cap and Natasha were working together and they were close to Hulk ; Wanda was nowhere for me to see nor was Thor. And then,there was Hulk. Attacked by every single agent that could lay his finger on Hulk. 
Without thinking,I ran towards Cap,Natasha and Hulk. 

-"Y/N what on Earth are you doing !? We were supposed to bring Hulk closer to you ,not you to come here damn it! " Natasha yelled as she rolled under one of the agents,taking him by hand and rolling him over her back.
"Natasha is right Y/N .Go back there now " Steve said while throwing his shiled towards next 5 agent that made their way towards us.
"No I will help! " I yelled as I caught one of the agents and snapped his neck.
"Well then start,it's getting even more crowded here!!" they yelled.
I turned towards Hulk ,who now took a car in his hands and was scanning the area to see where to throw it.

-"Hey ! Heey Big Guy,I know you can hear me ! Please look down ! " I yelled at him,stabbing another agent who tried disarming me. He just roared and started running towards the building where Clint was. And I ran after him.
"Please Big guy,It's me,Y/N . Please listen to me ! " I screamed for him to hear me. He roared and turned his head towards me. 
"Big Guy...the getting real low " I said with my hands in front of me ,trying to calm him down. Now he turned his whole body towards me. 
"That's right. The sun is getting real low. We should get out of here.T-together" I said ,trying to sound as calm as possible. He made few steps towards me,slowly crouching in front of me.He tilted his head,his muscles still tense. I slowly reached out to his hand. With my fingers I traced down from his wrist to his fingers. I did it ! His muscles were now less tense. Just few more moments I thought to myself.
But I felt very sharp pain in my left leg. I swallowed the pain ,not wanting to show him my reaction and scaring him away. But now I felt the very same pain in my other leg.

I was shot.Twice. In both legs. 

I fell on my knees in front of him,turning to see who shot me. I saw Cap already taking down that agent. I put my hand in the air to show him not to come,I am okay. I still need to help Bruce. Pool of blood was already under my legs. I tried standing up,which caused only for me to fall down again in pain. I was watching him,his muscles tending u more,anger all over his face. 
"N-no no no Big guy please look at me! " I screamed . But nothing.
"NO. THEY . HURT YOU" he screamed as he hit the floor very hard with his fists. He took two cars in both of his hands and threw them towards the middle of the fight, And he roared again.

"N-n-no. S-st-stop" I tried yelling at him,but I already felt dizzy. I think it was from the blood loss. I need to get myself out of here before I faint. But black spots were already dancing everywhere.I felt someone picking me up ;Hulk. He placed me on his palm and brought closer to his face. He looked at me. 
"Take her away from here ! Y/N was shot and she is losing lot of blood ,take her away from Hulk and take her to the hospital NOW" Wanda yelled. 
The last thing I saw was Tony and Sam flying towards me,and Natasha quickly running towards us. 
But he didn't let me go,he covered with his other palm and he started running. I don't know where,I fainted.

-I woke up to that sound,again.Sound of machine beeping. I scanned the room ,and yes,it was the very same I was in before. I quickly pulled out the tubes that were attached to my arm and to my nose and sat up. My legs fell down the bed and now were swinging. I felt pain ,but it was not that bad. The doors of my room opened,and Bruce walked in. His hair was very messy and his face kinda dirty. But he was in clean clothes. He was back

"Hey" he said.
"Hey Bruce. How are you" I asked softly.
"I-I should ask you that. I want you to know that I-I am very sorry." he said walking closer and sitting down on the bed next to me.
"Don't worry,it really wasn't your fault" I replied.
"I thought I improved my skills of keeping....the...other guy down.I thought I wouldn't get triggered easily" he said ,bowing his head down.
"Hey...You are doing the best you can.After all...Big guy took me here ,right? The last thing I remember was him taking me away. So,I should be thankfull"
" I don't know...I guess so...Is there something..something I could do for you ?" he asked.
I don't know why,but something clicked in my head.I  didn't want to wait. I didn't want to see what would time do. I didn't want to see if he would make the first move,because male should approach female first. No. If you love someone,no matter if you are female or male,just show them. 
So I kissed him.
He didn't pull away.
When I broke the kiss,he was shocked.
"Stay with me is something you could do.Something that would help both of us."

"N-no. I can't do that.I can't p-put you in danger ,when I love you .I can't protect you from the other guy. We can't have normal life,while he is still here." he whispered,his voice breaking.

"Oh Bruce" I said,lifting his head up. "I really am not scared of the other guy. The fact that he could hurt me is valid,but he wouldn't. He didn't hurt me today.He brought me here.He helped me. No,it's not the safest to be close to him but I showed him that I am not his enemy.So he won't hurt me on purpose."
"But still,there are so many things wrong with me. Damn you Hulk! " he said,with one of his veins on neck turned green and popped out. 
I took his hand in mine . 
"See...this is what I am talking about..." he said.
"I know but see,we can get through everything together. I won't put pressure on you. We will take it slowly,we won't hurry anywhere. If you don't want it,then I guess I can't change your mind.But you will always be in my heart,no matter what you say.Love is not because,it's no matter what. And no matter what,I will love you". I said,my eyes tearing up.

--He pulled me into long kiss. Is this yes?I love him so much. I accept him no matter what,no matter the other guy.He was always like a best friend to me.Not just best friend,I always felt something more.He was always the one who knew me the best,who would leave what he's doing in lab just listen to me.I can't say he made me better person. But he helped me

Maybe the two of us are from the same star. Because I really love him from the beginning.And I will always love him.

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