Allow me-Stephen Strange

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The sky is blue again. The sun is shining brightly. 

I looked up at the sky,the clouds. The same sky I have been watching with her.

 The same clouds I have been watching with her. The same sky we are both looking at always,far from each other.
I bowed my head down and continued walking through the forest. People passing by glancing over at me with weird looks.But I didn't really care that much about them. They were just passangers in my life.
People I probably will never see again,and even if I do I won't remember them. Nor will they me.Funny,isn't it?That's how it works with people you have seen once,for few seconds in your life.After that,you just forget each other. But that's also how it works with people you have known for years. With people who know you in molekule. 
I inhaled deeply,smell of flowers finding way inside my nostrils. I inhaled deeply few more times,enjoying the very smell I remember. 

It was smell of her favorite flowers. 
I looked over my shoulder and saw planted red roses all down the path, and behind them wild honeysuckles. 
That very view brought a picture from my memory ; me and her sitting on the bench near ,me running from her and back again with bouquet of freshly picked honeysuckles and one rose. It made her smile through tears.

It made me smile through tears I didn't even notice were in my eyes. I wiped them away with my sleeve and hurried up bit. Being here didn't affect on me well.
I really thougt that I was a good friend. At least as good as I could be. Mostly,I was myself with her. But I never wanted to burry her completely with my problems,and my life as a whole,so I slowly built this mold that I fit myself in. Thinking it was a good idea to keep her safe from my darkness,and keep her happy with my presence,I became one with that mold.For some time it worked,and we were both happy. Until she let me down.

I broke in million pieces. I turned into ashes.
I didn't know why,and I will never know because my best friend cut me off from her life permanently and wiped away any memory with me so it turns out as I never existed in her life. 

Not wanting to have a breakdown,I hurried back to the complex before it was too late.

-Walking into my room ,I shut the door behind. Taking off my vest I sighed and turned to walk towards my bed.
"What has been bothering you,Y/N?" 

Great. Stephen.
"What do you mean Doctor?" I asked , taking fuzzy socks from my closet and sitting on the bed,replacing socks I had on with these.
"We both know what I am talking about so no need to play that card . And enough with calling me Doctor. I thought I was clear when I said Stephen will do its work".
I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed,standing up and making my way towards the desk to take my laptop.
"I have no idea what are you talking about....Stephen" I said carefully,rolling the name over my tongue slowly "but I think it's time for you to leave because you have meeting with Wong in less than ten minutes,and I have some work to do." 

"You have no work to do,you really can't fool me Y/N. And you know that I want to know what's going on with people who are close to me" he said standing up from the place he has been sitting. 
"And I think you should know that even you have lines you shouldn't cross."  I hissed at him. 

"You know I saved YOU. You owe me your life,Y/N. Now tell me." 
"Just because you saved my life ,you think you have some kind of right to know everything about me even things I want to keep private and are none of your bussines. If I owe you my life, then you can take it right now " I said , pulling out long-bladed knife with diamond blade from my waist pocket and pushing it towards him. 
He stood there ,bit shocked but he tried his  best not to show it. 

When I realized he won't be taking the knife from my hand ,I threw it in the air only to grab it again quickly and with the hand I was holding it, I made quick motion towards my chest. 

But he finally moved. And he grabbed my hand. 
"You are doing the same thing she did. Reminding me how you saved me and that I owe you for that.  How is it a good thing if you constantly want a payback?" I whispered.
The knife fell on the cold floor. And I felt weak so I fell down on my knees with it.
He slowly kneeled next to me ,stroking my hair. I flinched.
" I don't want to owe anyone anything anymore. I want to sit alone,in silence,with myself." 

" very sorry Y/N." he said in firm voice " I was selfish ,because everything going on in lives of people close to me affects me and our job ,so I admit I put pressure on you to keep everything with what we are doing in peace. I was blind and closed to what was going on with you." 
In that moment,with all my feelings mixed,I wasn't really sure if I heard him right .He apologized. 
"An apology can't erase everything,Strange." I said. 
"It can't " he said,taking my hands in his " but it's an honest beginning of way I am willing to walk,to gain your trust again and change for better. To change for you." he said slowly,keeping an eye on my reaction. 

I could have taken my hands from his. I could have pushed him away. But after all,I spent much time with him,learning that under all that is still a guy who has heart for everyone. So I didn't pull my hands away. I just nod. 
He pushed the knife with leg away from us ,and pulled me closer,kissing my forehead.
It is new beginning

And what I have learnt from my last way is that ,when someone lets you down-to break into million pieces,you must glue yourself back. Fix yourself , by yourself. But allow yourself to heal with someone. 

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