Body and soul-Tony Stark

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"You can have my body,but not my soul." she said to him.

Tony's pov:

-We watched on the screen how one of his agents slapped her across the face,and red handmark forming on the same spot few moments later. Then he took her by her arm and pulled her up from the chair. She wasn't reacting;she wasn't looking at the camera,she wasn't looking at him,she wasn't crying nor was she smiling. But I could see the pain.

"I will have whatever I want to have" he hissed and kissed her roughly. 
"Tony.You better come. She is quite a bomb I will tell you. Think again :your bombs for this bomb here" he said as he squeezed her ass. 
I couldn't stand that guy.Holding her like that.Watching her like that.Touching her like that.

And with those words,he pulled her away and screen went black.
"Tony,what do we do?" Natasha asked. 
"We can't leave here there anymore. We have to do something Tony." Steve said.
"Friend Tony,I am willing to help"
said Thor.
"We will all help ,and you know that.But we have to be fast" said Wanda,taking Pietro's hand in her. 
I stood silent for few moments.Running hand through my hair,nervous,scared?Yes.Scared?For her.That guy is dead as soon as I get to him.He layed his fingers on her.He is dead.
 "We are leaving at 6am" I said and walked away towards my room.

-I layed down in my bed. I knew I won't fall asleep. I just couldn't believe I let this happen.
I can't give them bombs,they will destroy many cities.But also I can't let them keep Y/N anymore.
It's been a week now. We have tried once to get her out of there ;we failed.Too many of them.But now...we have Thor. We must take her out. 
I rolled on the other side of the bed. Where she used to sleep with me. So empty.
I thought about her words for a moment ,words she coldly said to him .
"You can have my body but not my soul." 
Oh ,Heaven knows I've never wanted her body. If I wanted that,I could have any woman I ask for.
I tried buying her love with money ,but she taught me it's not about that. One night ,she told me the very same sentence.The one that changed me. It took me some time to understand it ,but I really did.And since then,my love for her only grew more and more.
Oh how I miss her. Miss her laugh, her beautiful (e/c) eyes.I miss everything about her.
Which Juliet?Which Romeo?No one ever loved someone like we love each other.And no one ever will,as long as sun shines and as long as stars decorate night skies

-It happened fast.Faster than I thought it will. I am so glad Thor was with us. They all took care of agents,so I could find Y/N. I walked towards the lab,where I knew he was with her.
When the lab door opened,I saw Y/N sitting on one of the tables,only in her underwear. I could see bruises all over her body,very bad bruises.I could see lovebites on her neck. Her hair was neatly brushed and tied with red ribbon. Her eyes fixed on the floor,empty. And there he was,standing in front of her.
"Don't even lay your finger on her" I said. 

She looked up,letting out a loud sob and smile crossing her face. He looked over to me,smirking.
"Tony.I didn't think you would come now.You see,we were little busy." he said,looking over at her.
"You are so dead." I yelled and ran towards him. He blocked few of my attacks and threw me over one of the tables. I quickly stood up and now ran in the other direction.Then I pointed my palms to the floor and  lift myself from the ground.I flew over to him ,one of the blades he threw flew over my head,and I fell on him. I fixed his hands to the floor with my own.
"You.You are dead." I said angrily. 
"Oh.Tony.You are easy to fool.You see,I never wanted those bombs.We already built our own.Better.Even if you kill me now,there are still people who will continue my work.But I wanted you to see how is it when someone plays with your doll.When someone takes something you love.And let me tell you Tony" he said smirking,blood dripping from his mouth "she is a wild one.Now I see why you want her so bad" he said. And those were his last words. I ended him.

-I turned to Y/N.She was watching us,her eyes wide open.I took my suit off and ran towards her.
"Y/N!" I pulled her into kiss. 
"Are you okay? I am so sorry for allowing this to happen. Are you cold ? That bastard I am so sorry ,I will fix everything I never meant this to happen I am so s-" but she cut me off with a kiss.
"T-Tony.We are again together.Please,let's go home" she said and burried her face in my chest.
I took off my t-shirt and put it on her. I helped her stand up.
"Can you walk love?" I asked.
She began to fall but I quickly caught her  and made her sit on the table again :"I-I feel so weak Tony" she said.
"Shhh it's okay .Don't worry,we are going home." I told her as I put on my suit again and hooked my left arm under her legs and my right under her arms.
"I love you so much Tony."

-Later that night,after she talked with everyone and told us everything she heard about bombs,the two of us were finally alone in my room. She showered and put on one of my pajamas. She sat on the bed and watched the moon through the window. 
I sat behind her,taking her hair in my hands and gently brushed it.
After I brushed it out she leaned on and burried her face again in my chest. I pulled her into hug and layed down,slowly pulling her with me. I put covers over her body and she got closer to me.I could feel her warm body against mine.Our foreheads were touching and she was looking me in the eyes.
"I allowed myself to lose you and I hate myself for this.But I will never let anything happen to you again." I whispered.
"Tony.Babe.I love you so much." she said and closed her eyes.
I left a kiss on her forehead,and like that we fell asleep.

"You can have my body but not my soul" ,she said.And now,our souls finally found each other.And I feel infinite.

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