Pt 1. :You don't care ~Peter Parker

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I really have no idea why he hated me.

First year of high school was passing by smoothly. Not really that smooth,but there were no big problems.
It really is not as people were saying,it is not that bad. At least for me.
And trust me ,if it is not hell for me ,it won't be hell for anyone else.
Everyone in my class is actually nice..We are all different ,but no matter how different we always find something in common to talk about.

Everyone,except for him.

I have no idea why would he be so cold.
As soon as I saw him on the list,in the same class as I am,I found him on instagram and..well let's say I developed a small crush. And by the end of the first week,I found myself all over heels for him.

But,since the first day he has been so cold and distant. He would say hi to everyone in the morning except for me.If he was smiling,the moment he looked in my direction the smile would vanish. But we didn't even talk properly.The only few words that came from his mouth about me were showing me that he didn't like my appereance at all.

This will be so long,I thought to myself. Today was another long day in school,and by the time I woke up I could tell it wouldn't be nice one.
First thing,I woke up 30minutes after my alarm rang.
Second thing,I spilled cereal all over the t-shirt I chose to wear.
Third thing,I tripped over my shoelace and fell with one of my books,and as I fell on it -few pages ripped.
Fourth thing,he was giving me nasty glares. 
Fifth thing,I felt so ill.

I bet I didn't catch a cold. I don't usually catch those easily. I bet it's just my body's reaction to another one of Captain's trainings. Yeah,I work with them most of the time when I am not stressing about school.
Anyway,walking through school wasn't easy at all,and having periods sorted on all three floors through the day really didn't help.With each hour I felt more weak and more weak.
The next,and thankfully the last,period was Chemistry.The worst left for the end,because on Chemistry,me and my friend sit in front of Peter and his friend.

"Y/N,hey,are you okay?" whispered (Y/F/N).
"Yeah" I whispered back with nod. I wasn't okay at all,but what would change if I told (him/her) that I wasn't.
After,what felt like super long,Chemistry class ,as the bell rang everyone started packing their things super fast. I couldn't because I felt as if my hands will fall off if I move them too fast.
My eyes hurt when I was blinking,so I closed them and took my time to put the things in backpack.

"Y/N do you want me to wait for you..or?" asked (Y/F/N).
"No no,thanks (Y/F/N),you can leave without me . I'll text you when I come back."
"Stay safe girl" said (he/she) and with that (he/she) left.

I put my backpack on one shoulder and stood up to get away from this classroom,and before Peter because I didn't want to be close to him while walking out amongst so many people ,knowing I can't hurry up through the crowd.
Too fast.
I stood up too fast and I felt like whole world turned upside-down.I didn't close my eyes,but the whole world turned back and I felt my leg hitting the table as I stumbled back. I put my hands to the sides of my head and shut my eyes tightly,praying for the pain to go away. The feeling of burning in my chest grew bigger and bigger and I felt like gasping for air. Even without opening my eyes,I knew I was the last one in the classroom because everyone else stormed away as fast as they could ,so there was no person who could help me.

But I felt two strong hands pulling me by my shoulders and shaking me.
"Hey.Hey,what's wrong,are you okay?"
I thought it's the pain causing me to hear his voice.But it wasn't.It really was him.
I couldn't open my eyes so I just mumbled "I'm okay".
"You are clearly not okay.Sit." 
And then I felt him pushing me down to sit on the chair. I put my head in my hands  and tried to take a deep breath,but halfway there I started coughing.
"Hey,take this" he said.
I slowly opened my eyes,to find him kneeling next to my chair ,handing me bottle of water. This was no time for me to play any games,so I slowly reached out for the bottle and drank bit.
"Thanks" I said,handing him the bottle back.

"I am okay,thanks,you can leave now" I said,slowly standing up.
"No I am not leaving.Not until I am sure you will be okay" he said,pushing me back to the chair.
"I said I am okay" I said angrily as I quickly stood up ,pushing past him. Who is he to act like that,after all the time he was ignoring me,making snarky comments,and being mean towards me in general for no reason?
But the moment of me feeling better vanished ,as I felt the pain growing back more faster and I stumbled over my own feet. 
No.I did not hit the floor.  
 Because he helped me again.

"Don't be so stubborn,you will hurt yourself.Here,I will walk you home.Can you walk?" he asked,helping me stand up fully again.
"Don't YOU act like you care,while ignoring me whole the time and being rude for no reason." I said holding on to the desk.
"Don't you act like YOU know everything. You have NO idea.Now shut up,and we are leaving." 
And with that he grabbed my wrist and hurried through the corridors to the parking lot.

Thanks to Captain and his trainings,I became very strong. But no matter how much I tried to break away,I couldn't. Not only because I felt so weak,but because Peter was so damn strong. I watched his face ;devoted,angry,serious.

 "Stop" I whispered.
Everything started spinning again.
"Stop" I said louder as we were now walking towards his car.
"StopI said even louder,as he was unlocking the car and opening the door for me. He turned round to face me ,and that's when my legs betrayed me.

Marvel imagines~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن