Tear of gratitude and happiness//Loki Laufeyson

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It's been such a long time, I sigh while looking through the window.
The view through my room in Asgard castle is mesmerizing-enchanted part of the garden where flowers were blooming in every corner, painting that part of the garden as one would paint a very colorful painting.
My eyes were travelling from the royal roses-queens of flowers, over to wild chamomile, bright and tall yellow sunflowers, and many many more that I didn't even know the names of.
I could stay like this whole day, resting on the window frame, allowing soft wind to stroke my face and play with my hair and losing my gaze in thousands of flowers.

And though I wished to stay like this until sun goes down, to greet the moon on bright enchanted skies only seen from my window, I know I can't.
It's such an important day today. The day they take Loki in front of Odin and the rulers of other Nine Realms.
I felt my heart racing faster just at the thought of it, feeling shivers down my spine I closed my to run back to the safety of my mind.

It's been a whole year since I have seen him, since he has been imprisoned.
Don't think I haven't tried to go and see him, on many ocasions and tried on many different ways - but never successful.
My tears and heartache, seeing frightening look on his face, hearing him confess to someone - none of it was enough for Odin to set him free. I didn't even have support of my Avengers friends in this one - they are all following the herd that believes he is the one who never changes. That he is the one only to use for his own good, and then throw away without thinking.

My being calmed down, my character got calmer, my voice quieter. I was full of life, yet longing for one thing I had at my fingertips somewhere in the Palace but never to be seen to my eyes.
Spending days on my own in the Palace, since Tony didn't think it's a good idea for me to be back to the Avegers tower, I learnt how to exist in peace and not be disturbed.
I roamed through the Palace endlessly, studying the texture of old and cold walls with my bare hands, discovering new halls, and beyond everything - spending time in the enchanted garden.
It's a garden he asked to be built for me. Our enchanted garden. Where the sun and the moon switch, even though they are not actually there. Where the flowers bloom through the whole year, birds stop by to sing their melodies, and bees come to collect nectar.

 I picked up the lower part of my white linen dress and stepped out of the room, my bare feet finding their way towards the garden.
The sun met my face, and I allowed myself to fall on the soft grass placing hands under head so I could watch the sky.
Let me tell you something about Loki Laufeyson, and it may sound touche ;
He is not who he used to be.
I, more than anyone else, can say that - I am the one who felt the wrath of his on my own skin. Not only wrath - anger, sadness, happiness, and love. All of that I felt, as a proof of his persona - the change and growth.
He left me ugly scars, for the first few years, as he was the jealous brother who was nothing more than a murderer hungry for power and the throne. No matter what I tried, he would be cold and distant, and every word that left his mouth was like a blade across my skin.So I left him as he is, turning to my own self and my missions with the Avengers.
But he crept under my skin as I learnt how he functions, and me pushing him into relaxing and putting his wards down became me silently sitting outside his cell for hours reading a book. Then me handing him a book, so both of us could be reading.Then our first "talk" ever.

I wanted to know him, from spending time with him.Didn't want to form my opinion based on what Thor says or Tony says.That meant walking on extremely thin on ice.Or playing with fire I can't heal from. And, oh how many times I got burnt.
But slowly it lead us to where we are today.
Best friends.Promised ones.True lovers.Lovers.
It meant slowly walking through every single inch of his mind, no matter how dark, hand in hand with him. 
It meant very soft and gentle touches of hands - not going too far, carried by desire, not too close to the safe line by just brushing our fingertips.
It meant witnessing outbursts of anger, being told to go and walk away. But what I did was the opposite - I stayed by his side, slowly coming closer and closer until I felt safe to place my hand on his knee or even cheek.

The wind blew again, and the hair strand that found its way to my face felt just like the touch of his fingers.Few hours passed by, and by the part of the sky where sun settled in, I knew it was time to go.
Brushing my fingers against the dresses in my closet, they landed on the very perticular one.
Long sleeved green dress, with golden details around the neck and on the ends of it, with golden belt embroided around the waist.
I have to admit, I feel scared.It's been a year he has been on his own, what did he develop into?
My heart aches at the thought of him going back to the very start, the dark place he feelt comfortable in - so I chose this dress, because I know if Loki walked back to that place, he will feel at least faint light being placed on his path as he sees me in it.
It's the dress I was wearing when he showed me the enchanted garden for the first time.
Placing the thin and golden tiara, his mother gave me few months ago, on my head, and slipping my feet into black velvet platform sandals - I felt ready.
Sighing deeply, I am ready to support him today, whatever this brings.

                                                                                     * * *
As the ruler of the last Realm made his entrance, as extra as all of the previous ones, I heared loud thumps of the boots hitting the marble floors. I tensed at the sound, swallowing the lump in the troath.
I felt tears forming in my eyes as I saw him entering the room, surrounded by countless gurads.
He was looking good, he was looking healthy. 
But by the look in his eyes, I knew something was off. I knew whatever happened in this room, when they decide upon his fate - he would not let it go easily.
His proud walk towards the front of the room, to the line of royal chairs surrounding the throne where the Rulers were sitting, made me feel weak in my knees.
He is okay.
As I was about to lower my head, not being able to watch him go from Ruler to Ruler to bow in respect, as I knew how he felt about it, I caught his gaze.
His lips curled in a small smile, almost unnoticable, and my mouth grew wide smile, allowing the tears to finally slide down my cheeks.

It was just a moment, and I am grateful for even that, now aware that he knows I am here for him and will be watching the whole thing.
Even from aside, I could still see the flame forming in his eyes as he was bowing in front of each and every Ruler.
The silent Palace started shaking under the deep voice of Odin himself.
His words, along with voices of other Rulers, were mixing up in my head.I couldn't hear everything properly, as my mind was being stung by poisonous words of theirs.

I lift my head up to them as I noticed there were no more words echoing in the room.All eyes were on me, preying on me and waiting for me to do something.
Unfortunatelly, I was completely lost. Lost, until I heared Frigga:
"Y/N dear, you are called upon the Rulers to make a statement.Final statement to be considered before deciding upon Loki's fate."
My mouth dried, and my eyes went straight to Loki's. Locked by his gaze, I could read through the coldness he was showing towards me now - not wanting to show them how vulnerable he is because of me. And I understood why - because Loki Laufeyson was scared for me.

I felt shivers run down my spine, but I still proceeded to find my way to the line of Rulers.
Sound of my heels was the only sound to be heared in the room, and I made my way towards them to bow in front of each and every.

-My obedience, the Rulers. My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I am Y/A.I bow down to You, and promise to speak when spoken to, with only the words of truth.
 "How long do you know Loki Laufeyson for?"
-I know Loki for four years now, Your Majesty.
"How did you meet Loki Laufeyson?"
-I met Loki during the Avengers mission to take his Scepter.
"Frigga, the Queen of Asgard, informed us that you are the only person who had close connection with him, except Herself. Is that truth?"
-Yes, Your Majesty.
"Did Loki Laufeyson hurt you by any mean, on any ocassion?"
-The first few years were though for both of us, Your Majesty- 
  But I was cut in the middle of my sentence, in the middle of my explanation.It is more complicated, and I simply could not respond with a "Yes-No" answer!
"Yes or No is the answer."
-Yes, Your Majesty.
"Were you ever tricked into doing something against your will by Loki Laufeyson?"
I felt tears forming in my eyes. This is not how I am supposed to answer!
-Yes, Your Majesty.
"Have you ever been threatened by Loki Laufeyson?"
-Yes, Your Majesty.

They were shooting questions my way, with each and every of my answer I felt I was pushing Loki further to the edge of the cliff. I tried to remain calm, find a moment to explain my answers. They are simply taking it out of context, and of course the picture I am painting is very wrong.

"Very well Y/N. You can go back to your place, as the Rulers decide upon the fate."
I quickly look back at him, small smile on his lips sent my way and a reassuring gaze.Tears formed in my eyes, and I quickly looked away, not able to look the man I love in the eyes now that  I pushed him off of the cliff.
Searching for a cup to fill it with water, I jumped slightly as someone placed a hand on my shoulder.
"You know it's not your fault Y/N. But, they are not going to let him go.They will punish him on the worst way ever. Y/N, there is nothing we can do about it".
Frigga.Her voice was trembling, and hand on my shoulder was shaking.
-Frigga, there must be something.I can ask to tell what I have, the full story, I can -
"No Y/N. The Rulers are rutheless, no one mustn't disobey them- not even I can stand up and raise my voice now.Even if I was allowed to.But I think I can find a way for you to see him after this.", she said in whispery voice. She was called over by Odin himself, and I was left on my own.
Then I did the most stupid thing ever, I risked my own life, I risked safety of every person in the room ; I let the cup fall from my hand and walked over to face the Rulers.

Weapons of guards were quckly turned to face me from every single corner of the room.
The Rulers went silent as they were watching me in disbelief.
-My respect and obedience, Majesties. But I can not stay silent and watch You decide upon a fate of the man I love, restricting the words I say, and leave both of us hopeless for a day he can be set free.
Kneeling in front of them, I watched the guards following my motion with the weapons at ready to shoot - just waiting for a signal to be taken.
" Y/N",  I heared Odin's warning voice.

-I spoke the truth to You, but not the full story. Yes. I have been hurt by Loki Laufeyson, tricked into doing things, played around with and much more. I carry scars he gave me. But that is not all to it. I also carry the happiest memories ever, also given by him. Change happens, and it happened with him. Years of progress went by, and he IS the man he IS now. Wort the title he carries, worth the respect and worth to be given another chance. And I will not watch You push our progress into void because You are not ready to believe what is in front of Your eyes!
My voice was raising louder, but becoming more shaky. I knew that with every word spoken, I am digging myself a deeper hole. But I am willing to do it, in the name of love, in the name of a man who changed.

"Y/N that is enough!"
, Odin yelled as he stood up from his throne. The guards stiffed as he stood up, and I saw Loki's body tense. His eyes were pleading for me to stop.
-No. He is Your son! You can't give up on him so easily. Not now, when he needs You the most.Imagine Your life being a lie, feeling like a disgrace to a family and being treated like one.You behave the way you are expected to! But I can assure You, all of You, he is not like that anymore. Ignore me, ignore my love for him, ignore me feeling him in every breath I take, spreading from my lungs through my whole body! Focus on him and him only! He grew to be the ruler You wished this prince to be - strong and intelligent, ambitious, worthy and capable of so much! Allowing the sacrifice he has made, You are not only turning off another life, but are also showing all of Your Realms that none of You believe in transformation that can happen within a person - that all of You only care for Yourselves! And Loki could be greater than anyone!

The room was silent. Odin was red, and Frigga had a frightened expression on her face.
"Take her out. Now!", Odin yelled as two guards caught me by my wrists and pulled away from them. I looked at Loki for the last time before being dragged away, the look in his eyes saddened and worried, but his head still up high. 
I screwed up, I am so sorry Loki.
Closing my eyes, I mouthed "I love you", hoping for him to see it for the final time before I was left to face the cold and empty corridor and cry myself to darkness.
                                                                                            * * *

Leaning against the cold wall for few minutes, I felt my knees grow weak and I slid down on the marble floor. Taking of my shoes, I allowed the cold marble floor to connect with my feet and send cold shivers down my spine.
I dug a hole under us, tying a ribbon of death around our hands, connecting us not in life - but death more. 
Shutting my eyes, I allowed myself to cry untill I felt like I have no more tears left, and I slid into word of darkness and silence, never wishing again to see the enchanted  garden of ours. Knowing I blew away the chance of Loki joining me under the enchanted sun and moon.

                                                                                            * * *
                                                                                  -   Loki's P.O.V    -

The one to run to me was my mother.
At the words of The Rulers, I was set free.
The flames of revenge were building high in my eyes,rage growing in my chest. 
Y/N was nowhere to be seen, taken away as she spoke against the will of the Rulers. To protect me.
I musn't allow the flames to come to my mind, blowing away the sacrifice Y/N has made.
"Mother. Where is she?" I spoke quietly in her ear as she hugged me tighter.
-Not far away Loki dear, she has just been removed from this room to be prevented from further speaking. Go after her Loki, go after her please. It's been a year, and she remained loyal to your love and progress. 
Parting from my mother I left the Rulers behind me to their chat as I set off to a search for Y/N.
Little did I know I didn't have to look for too long.

She was sitting on the cold marble floor, leaning against the wall, facing the door with her back.
As she heared the door open, she quickly turned her head, the Y/E/C eyes meeting mine.
Quickly standing up, she stumbled on her way towards me.Coming closer, her pace became faster and now she was running towards me.
I couldn't do anything but open my arms wide, not having to wait long for her to throw herself into my embrace.
Hugging her closer I burried my face in her hair, smelling in the smell of roses and lillies, breathing every inch of her being.
She is here again, in my arms, all mine, still walking my path on this journey of life.
My knees grew weak, the weight of my body becoming too heavy for me to carry so I dropped down while still holding her in my embrace.

-Loki?Loki it is you. They set you free? They did, right? You are not here to say goodbye? You are not here to part your way with me?Loki, say something, please? 
She parted from me, cupping my face with her hands, as tears streamed down her cheeks even more.
"Don't cry love, I hate it when you cry. I am here, and I am going nowhere without you.", I spoke softly, pulling her closer into my embrace, as if someone could walk up any moment and take her away.
Or as if someone is about to wake me up from my dream, in the bed of my cell.
I hugged her even tighter and my head fell weak on her chest. I could still hear her crying as she was stroking my hair and singing softly through tears, a song known to my ears and my heart.

But above everything, I could feel single tear roll down my cheek, tear of gratitude and happiness.


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