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I looked over at sleeping Thor.

Things were under control in Asgard. Situation was actually great there. 

So he decided to spend some time here on Earth.
With me.

He fell asleep before me.I wasn't sleepy.

I pulled out my laptop and placed it on my legs. I wanted to spend that sleepless time reading ,but not too much -just few chapters. 
And in blink of eye-it was 2:30am.
I felt sleepy ,so I closed the laptop and put it away. I stood up slowly,not to wake Thor up and made my way towards the door. I had to pee and brush my teeth,but first I wanted to drink some water. So I turned on the lights in hallway and made my way towards the kitchen. But as soon as I stepped in,I could see huge brown bug flying towards me. I quickly turned and hurried back in the bedroom. I closed the door behind me,not knowing what to do.

Silly,isn't it? 
Former assassin..
Killed many,many people..
Working with Avengers,against the greatest evil..
Scared of bugs.

I slowly opened the door,just a bit so I could see if it's in the hallway. I couldn't see it so I started opening the door more. But then I saw it flying towards the bedroom door. I quickly shut them.
What do I do?
I didn't want to wake Thor up,he had rough time in Asgard and he really needed that sleep.Besides,I don't want him to see me as a baby scared of ..bugs.
But I really wanted to pee.
I didn't want to go out there and face that bug,even though bathroom door were just across our bedroom. So ,I took another blanket and placed it on the floor. I took my laptop and laid there.
I will spend more time reading until either the bug flies back to the living room or Thor maybe wakes up. I read more.
When I heard Thor moving in the bed,I looked over at the clock. 4:30am.

"Y/N. ?" he called out with his sleepy voice.
,,I'm here" I called back quietly.

I could see his huge figure sitting up in bed ,and stretching.

"Love,what are you doing on the floor?And why are you not sleeping?" he asked confused.
"Well....." I began,not sure if I want to tell him the truth.Not sure if I want to be made fun of.But why would he make fun of it? So,I slowly stood up ,and also did he .He walked towards me ,taking my hands in his and placing soft kisses on both.

"What is it? Having trouble with sleeping?"
"No....I actually was very sleepy...But...I ...I couldn't get to the bathroom
He tilt his head,now confused even more.
"What do you mean ,you couldn't get to the bathroom," he asked.
"Well....you see...there was..."
"There was what love? Tell me,you are scaring me now
" he said concerned.
"Okay.There was huge bug and..I couldn't pass by.

For a moment he just stood there,not reacting. I was watching closely his face,following each one of his movements. But I didn't catch any. Then he broke into laughter.I pulled my hand back from his,cheeks slightly blushing and I stepped back.
"Thor...Don't laugh" 

"Sorry love,but ,you were awake for how long because of a bug?" 

"....two hours" I said.
"Love.Two hours ? Why didn't you just wake me up and I would take it out
" he asked slowly taking my hand back into his.
"I-I didn't want to,you were tired so I figured out I will wait for you to wake up by yourself."

"What if I woke up at ten? Or eleven? You would wait for that long?" he mocked me.
"Well...I guess not" I mumbled angrily.
"Come on" he said pulling me into hug and kissing my forehead "let's see that scary bug that attacked my girl" he said grinning and pulling me with him. He slowly opened the door,and I let his tall and muscular body hide me . Then he pulled away and walked towards one of the wall lamps ,taking something in his hand. Then he turned to me smiling.
"Babe.It's just a night butterfly" he said,amazed by it's colors.
"Yeah..." I said "just..a nigh butterfly." He then walked out on the balcony,while I went to finally pee and brush my teeth. When I walked back to the bedroom,he was already there.I got under covers and moved my body towards his .He pulled me into strong hug and tilt his head towards mine.

"For the love of Odin ,please wake me up next time when another monster tries to attack you" he said , pointing out the word monster.

"I hate you" I mumbled.
"Love you too"he replied and turned off the bedside lamp.

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