We all fall down sometimes-Vision

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The end of another battle could be seen now.

We were just moments away from it.

Vision hugged me from me behinc and pulled me from the open area. 
I tried pulling away,but his grip was very strong. I wasn't myself in this battle.
I was much more powerful.I killed so many people.
And now Vision pulled me away from the battle,like he could know that the last explosion will blow up the place I was standing at.

He was kneeling e, protective posture in front of me so I couldn't see all the blood.

"Y/N it is okay now.You are safe.We are safe." he said,touching my face gently.
I was shaking.
"I...I killed so many people.What..what was I thinking?" I asked,my voice also shaking.
"Shhh we both know  that if you didn't,they would kill all of us" he said softly.

And in few moments.

It was all over.

-Sitting on the balcony,alone.
I felt like I poured out everything I had inside,so now I feel so empty inside.
I feel like human.Like a villain.Like a monster.
Now locked inside this Tower. 
Right thing to do to someone like me.

I felt raindrop on my bare skin.
I looked up at the sky.
Clouds drift with icy,unnatural  slowness.Clouds race across the leaden sky with  it's tumbling  vapours. Ragged edges of stony grey clouds. Cumulus cloud blocking the sun from view,edges glowing and as white marble against the darkening sky.
-It was raining for good twenty minutes now.
My hair was all wet ,and so was my clothes. I raised my head up to the sky,closing my eyes and allowing the rain to fall on my face.
Oh satisfy me Lord. Help me . Help me to continue or end this suffering. 
I pulled my knees to the chest and hugged them,placing my head on top of them.

And I heard footsteps.

"How long are you here?" asked that voice.
I know that voice. 

That's the voice of person who would always drag me from the bottom of my despair.

Voice of person who would always find a way to cheer me up.
Voice of person who was always up for help.

Voice of person who would always be up for long talks.
I slowly looked up at him,rain falling down my hair ,raindrops on my eyelashes. 

He offered his hand to my,  and after hesitating for few moments, I reached out for it. I placed my cold,wet hand on his warm and dry as he pulled me up. He put blanket round my shoulders and pulled me from the rain in his warm hug.

"What is on your mind again ,love?" he asked softly,patiently,like we had ages and ages in front of us to finally get my mind in state of peace again.
"Nothing.And it's scaring me.Everything.It's scaring me even more." I replied quietly.
"You know you are  not alone in this ? If you don't go after what you want,you will never have it. If you never ask, the answer will always be no. If you do not step forward,you will always be in the same place. Every day is a chance to create something new, to improve , to get better.All you need is strong will. And love you have it,and I am also here.Please,allow me to help you,it's not healthy to be alone in your head and thoughts." he spoke softly,stopping with each word and making sure I was listening to him. 
I shed few tears again and he pulled me closer to him,allowing my wet clothes to soak his dry.

"Let's get you inside and change your clothes before you catch cold" he said and I followed him inside,leaving my thoughts on the rain ,outside.

I believe that we all fall down.

And I believe,that we all stand up again.


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