Pt1 -You hate me,remember?~Loki/The Winter Soldier

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I was bored.
Really bored.

So what did I do? 
I braided Loki's hair. 

I know,I know ,that's not the smartest thing to do. Especially after he points that no one should ever touch his hair. I think he adores his hair. But come on,who doesn't?
So,when he fell asleep on the couch because ,as he said "He would rather waste his time sleeping than watching that white thing outside". He was talking about snow. I mocked him bit because,I adore winter and snow and he knows that.

I have tried to make him go out on snow with me ,but he just didn't want to.
So,I braided his hair.I enjoyed it,because I knew he would never allow me do that while he is awake,and he looked adorable. I think he doesn't like it when I tell him he is adorable,but that's only because he wants everyone to think of him as cold,rutheless,bold and emotionless. But Loki was far beyond that.
I was in the living room ,reading a book by the window when I heard him cursing.
I giggled to myself,knowing he will be mad for some time but I won't take it to my heart because he looks adorable like that. Besides,he loves me and wouldn't be mad at me for more than one hour ,especially over something like that.

"YN!" he shouted as he furiously stomped into the living room.
"Hey love,sorry I forgot to add flowers" I giggled as I turned back to my book.
"What have I told you about my hair? Not to touch it EVER!" he shouted throwing his arms in the air. I could tell he was really angry,but I didn't want to anger him even more so I just smiled softly,still reading.
"Y/N! I am talking to YOU!" he said as he snapped the book from my hands and threw it across the room.
I was slightly shocked,bit worried and scared. He was very angry. I could see the  vein that popped out his neck. 
"Babe I just braided your hair. It's not big deal,you can unbraid it right now if you want to." I said trying to stay calm,even though in my mind the only thought was to say I am sorry as many times as it takes for him to come back to his normal,calm state and to stay out of his sight for some time. But no. Instead of that,I reached out for him
When I took his hand he quickly pulled out his from mine,causing me some pain and I,shocked,brought the hand to my chest and held it with other.
He was getting closer and closer to me.
"I DON'T REPEAT MYSELF. I TELL SOMETHING AND YOU LISTEN TO IT" he screamed "NO WONDER WHY THEY DID THAT TO YOU. BECAUSE YOU DON'T STOP WHEN SOMEONE TELLS YOU TO. I .HATE. YOU" he screamed as he pointed out every single word in that three-word-sentence.
I bit my lip,stopping myself from crying. 
"What is your fucking problem?" I asked before I quickly made my way past him,outside.

It wasn't a good idea to go alone,especially after Tony told me I mustn't leave Tower for some time. But for me,in that moment,it was only solution. Only right thing to do before I turn into my worst fear. All of that,over me braiding his hair?Those words over two braids? Maybe actually I never knew him,maybe all of that was an illusion. Who knows? He said he hates me. So it will be.I don't care. Numb.

** ** 

"Don't you worry Miss(Y/L/N). You won't feel a thing,and we will be done in moments."
I  gripped the belt in my teeth as I felt at least 20 needles piercing through both my arms. I bit the belt tightly and screamed,shutting my eyes closed as tight as I could. I again thought of those three words and finally  a tear strolled down my cheek ,and I forgot about it.


- I gripped tightly my sniper ,hand in hand with Winter Soldier,on my way to new mission.
We had to take Scepter from some God Loki,who gave me strange vibes ,but I didn't care.I pushed that away,and focused on the mission.
Take the Scepter,even if it costs someone's life. Or lives
We were moving quickly,with no problems. It was like a dance ,and both of us exactly knew the moves and made everyone else look like weak fools. Which they were. How they hurt both of us,abandoned us,made fun of us as Doctor Zola said. They threw us away like piece of garbage. 
But everyone gets price to pay.
After succesfully destroying Tony Stark's suit and assassin Romanoff,The Winter was fighting Captain America. Steve Rogers.
The Winter gave me sign that I can go on Loki myself. And that weird vibe when I thought of him really started getting on my nerves so I was more than pleased that I could finally take him down.
"Who the hell is that" is the only thing I said before throwing myself at him.

He looked confused,and so was I for a moment but then I remembered why was  I here. He was very strong,but predictable. And he hesitated ,I don't know why. Like he didn't actually go full power on me. For a moment I took my eyes off him to see where The Winter was,and he hit me hard and it made me fall down. He pinched me very hard against the fall. In other situations I would in seconds kick him away,but this guy was extremely powerful God.
"Y/N. Look at me. Look me in the eyes!" he shouted as he ,even thought I resisted, moved my face to face his. 
"What have they done to you?" he asked with pity. I looked him coldly,but there was something in those eyes. Something making me feel something weird in my head. I felt dizzy. I felt like I was choking. Not only because I actually was ,but choking on something I couldn't remember. 
"Where have you been love?" he asked. 
 "Y-you" I asked smirking,feeling like my lungs would shatter in many pieces. Just as my heart. 
Then I felt breathing again,as someone threw him away from me . Winter helped me to stand up.
" No one touches The Wrath.My Wrath." he said coldly as he ran after Loki. 

While we were getting back on the jet,me holding on Winter as he lead me  towards it because I felt too weak,I looked back at his body. He hates me. This is what he made. 

And with that,me and my other half ( which Doctor Zola was amazed by ,not only by him and me as individuals,but by us as a deadly couple) walked in jet,leaving completely my past behind. 

 Remember ; this is what he made me do.

-*Quick note;I will correct all my mispelled words later,I am still learning,sorry :') **

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