Pt.3 -I don't need to be saved~Peter Parker

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Waking up wasn't the pleasure it used to be.

Within seconds of realizingI was unconscious I am on my feet, eyes wide, dreams not just forgotten but erased. I am drinking in the feedback of all my senses. Aside from my own noisy breath there is nothing to be heard and the woods are simply too dark to see much at all. 
   "Y/N? You are awake?" I hear.
And then I feel someone's arm on mine.
I quickly looked down on it,my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness.There were leaves round my palm. 

I quickly looked up,slowly tilting my head,trying to see who was in front of me, while memories of what happened slowly came back to me. Recognizing the voice.

"Please don't move too much,I promise we will get out of the forest as soon as it gets less dark."

I felt pain in my ankle,reminding me that I twist it and sending me a warning that it's the best not to move and listen to someone else for once. I didn't say anything. I just leaned back on the tree and tried falling asleep.
But it was so cold.

"Sorry Y/N. I am very sorry.......".
A pause. I guess he was waiting for me to say something.But I didn't want to. 
"I really shouldn't have said those words.I didn't know you were also Avenger. But for me it was like an instinct. The feelings I have for you. The stronger they grew,the more I felt need to keep you safe. I always knew you weren't a weak girl. But I still had that need.....I am truly sorry."
I thought of staying silent again. I thought about his words for some time. And I got lost in those thoughts. But a branch cracking quickly pulled me back and my head was already turned towards the way which the sound came from.

"You must be cold. Why did you have to run so deep into the forest....." I heard him mumbling.
Then I heard sound of zipper unzipping,and soon,I heard a thump next to me only to see his figure sitting next to me. He was taking off his jacket and putting it round me.
 I still didn't say anything.
And he leaned against the tree also.
It was bit better with his jacket on,but I was still cold.
 I was quiet for some time.
"I...I am still very cold.."

My voice was very quiet and weak,but loud enough for him to hear.
As he was processing what I said,he was silent and calm for few moments. And then he took off the jacket from me and put it on himself. Then he pulled me into hug,so that both of us were inside his jacket.
I felt his warm body. I felt the heat from jacket. From him. From jacket. 
   From him.
    I felt warm.
     Next to him.
      I felt warm with him.

So I slowly,relaxed.My head finally fell on his shoulder and I was ready to sleep.
To rest,finally.

Because,even in this silence,I felt okay. 
I felt safe.
I felt like human.

"Better now?" he asked.
"Mhm" I said,drifting away.
"Your lips are blue,I can see it even through all this darkness." 

 And he kissed me.
And we fell asleep.

I was awakened by a gentle feeling of swinging from side to side.

I opened my eyes ,to see that the sun was up.
To see that we are almost out of the forest.
To see that Peter was carrying me on his back.
   " long have you been carrying me? Why didn't you wake me up? I am heavy,you should have woken me up. " 
 But he was now the one who stayed silent.
 "Peter,you have been carrying me on your back for who knows how long. Please,let's stop so you could rest."
   And he stopped.

"Y/N,don't feel like a burden. Because I would carry you to the end of the world."

****QUICK NOTE****
 Hello people! Thank you for still reading these imagines that I am writting. I wasn't active ,since school kind of pushed me against wall and even if I had time,I didn't have motivation to write.
Now I am back over winter break,and ready to hit you with some new imagines!

Thank you again,love you so much 
   Yours, ChildOfDegeneration7 

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