Chapter 4

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Jungkook's POV

I was singing while my eyes are close and my feet are in the water when suddenly I felt someone cover my eyes.

"Yah! Who is this?! Jimin let go I can't see anything." I bet this is Jimin, he is the only one who often cover my eyes.

After a seconds my eyes are still in cover, so I become little annoyed.

"I'm sure it's you Jimin stop playing pranks." I heard a giggle, it sounded more like a girl? Wait, did I smell something like a perfume? Wait, this is not the perfume of Jimin and this perfume is more addictive than Jimin's perfume it's like lavender mixed with rose petals.

"Eomma? Who are you? Can you please let go of me. I'm getting annoyed now." This person is testing my temper. After a couple of minutes, finally I felt that the hands that covers my eyes are finally gone so I turn around to see Saera? Am I dreaming?!

"You still have a bad temper geez." She said as she pout. Goodness gracious my heart.

"Yah! Why are you so shock? You're not happy to see me right?" I can't stop myself anymore and I hug her very tight.

"No, I'm very happy to see you again. I miss you so much."

"Geez, I can't breathe pabo." I stare at her, she looks more beautiful. I saw her eyes turn into light blue I smiled because I know she's somehow happy.

"You look so perfect." she gave me her biggest smile.

"Well you become more handsome but cute at the same time." she pinched one of my cheek, I blushed.

"So how are you? What do you want to tell me? Are you feeling good now?" I saw her smile faded and her eyes turn into black making me worry about her.

"Why? What happen? Can I help you?"

"Since when we're still a child, you're always there to help or protect me. Jungkook, you become my hero but I think this time you can't help me, none of you can." I stared at her confusedly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm getting married Jungkook, my father arrange marriage me and the wedding will be next week."

I sat beside her frozen. It's my entire fault if I had just told her all of my feelings in the first place and I court her even if takes me forever to get her sweetest 'yes'. If I had been brave enough to confess and tell her my true feeling, none of this will happen.

I hate myself for being a coward, for not doing anything. Now my first love will going to marry someone. Why in many girls out there, why her?! Why does she need to sacrifice?

"Please attend to the dinner later, Namjoon invited you. Don't reject it."

"Are you sure you want to marry a guy you don't love? Did you happen meet him?" I asked as I try my best not to cry in front of her.

"No, I don't have any idea what he looks like and I don't have a choice, Jungkook you know appa even if I ditch the wedding and hide, he will be able to find me. Besides I will meet the guy later at the dinner."

"Tell Namjoon, I will go to the dinner." I said and forced a smile. I need to protect Saera I need to know if the man who is going to be her husband will love her or deserving for her.

Taehyung POV

I hate the idea of getting married to a girl I don't even know nor love. In all of request and wishes why did my mom request me to marry someone I don't know? I'm not ready for this I still love my ex-girlfriend and I don't want to get married to a stranger.

I hate this stupid idea. First, they asked me to leave my girlfriend then they arrange marriage me?! What kind of logic is that?!

"Taehyung! Get ready your future wife and her family will be at the restaurant in any minute so we need to go there." I just scoff.

"Aw, my baby is so handsome."

"Now you're calling me a baby after forcing me to marry someone I don't even know." I rolled my eyes.

"Mister, I don't care if you don't want to get married, but that's our final decision and you will marry her whether you like it or not." Appa said sternly.

"Be thankful I'm doing this for mom, so wait more time after I get married I will divorce her right away." I said earning a smack from my dad.

"Young man! You can't divorce her; you're going to be married to her until you die." Appa said and walked away.

WHAT THE FU-?! I can't divorce her?! So you mean I will be stuck in a stranger?! I will make sure the girl who I'm going to marry will suffer in my hands. Just wait until she begged everyone to divorce me.

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