Chapter 11

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I'm so bored right now. I'm at Taehyung's office, I have no choice, my father and Mr. Kim is here and I can't stay at my brothers nor my cousins office because my father might call me to get back here, so here I am stuck in this place with this dork who doesn't even acknowledge my presence.

"Hey! Do you have something to play there? I'm so bored here." I lazily lie down on the couch here in the office.

"You're the one, who wants to be here so it's your fault dummy, so don't disturb me I'm working here." he said as he keeps texting on the phone.

"Working my butt, you're just texting not working." I muttered but he heard it.

"W-what did you say?" He put his phone down. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, he's handsome but slow sometimes.

"You didn't hear it? Not my fault I won't repeat it again." I hugged the small heart pillow in the couch.

"You little-" he didn't finish his sentence because a person or more like unknown entity entered the office.

"Oh! Saera long time no see." Oh, she can talk, I guess she's a person too.

"Who are you? Sorry I can't remember."

"Don't tell me you had amnesia again?" What is she talking about right now? I had amnesia before?

"Wait you had amnesia before?" Taehyung asked. I was about to answer when Ynna come closer to him.

"Saera won't mind if I'm still with Taehyung right?" What if I mind? This entity is testing my temper.

"Who knows? Take a guess" I lay myself at the couch again making my arms as my pillow. Wow! I'm so cool there, but deep inside I want to stab that girl on her medulla.

"Well, I don't care anymore as long as I'm with him because I really love Taehyung." I looked at her eyes.


"What?" she said as she raised her one eyebrow.

"You heard me, I won't repeat it again." I smirked.

Maybe you guys are wondering, but I can sense lies in a person eyes. This is the advantage of my condition, I can tell if the person is lying or telling the truth and I can read their emotion easily.

"Hey! What's with you? You're scaring Ynna." I can't help but laugh, her face is scarier though

"It's not my fault." Ynna was about to slap me but unfortunately for her, Mrs. Kim enter the room with a dog? Aww, the dog is so cute it's kinda familiar to me; did I see this dog before?

Ynna shouted because the dog keeps barking at her. She looks funny

"Taehyung, I have to go, so I will leave your dog here." she let go of the dog and as soon as Mrs. Kim leave, the dog rushed and barked nonstop at Ynna making me laugh.

"Hey! Taehyung make that stupid dog stop."I stop laughing because how could she call a dog stupid. She looks more stupid than the dog.

"What a meanie!" I carried the dog and sat at the couch so I put him on my lap then he stop barking.

"Wait. That's strange he never stop barking at anyone even if I stop him."

And when the dog saw Ynna, he barked again but I caressed his back so he calmed down.
"He likes you, but how?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Should I feel offended or greatful?" I rolled my eyes.

"No, what I meant is he never treat anyone like that even me." He pouted, one more pout young man and don't blame me if I can't stop myself for kissing you suddenly.

"He just doesn't like Ynna." I blurted out.

"What do you mean?! You want a war huh?!" The dog starts barking out loud.

"I told you, so get your ass out here so he can stop barking." she rolled her eyes and went away

"You're so cute." I said as I lift him up and lean closer to my face.

"Yah Taehyung, what's the name of this dog?" I glanced at Taehyung who has his own world again.

"Hey! I'm asking you."

"Why don't you guess, I need to get back to work."

"What a meanie." he just mouthed "whatever" to me.

I think about a name for the dog. If Taehyung don't want to tell me his name, I will make one for him. I looked at the dog that keeps cuddling my arm. Suddenly a thought came out of my mind.

"I will call you yeontan then." A smile form in my mouth then the room became silent, I looked at Taehyung who stop typing and looking at me shocked?

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

"H-how did you guessed his name?"

"Wait, it's his real name?! For real?!"

"Yes that dog is Yeontan. He's my dog since I was a baby."

"But how can you guessed his name? It can't be guessed easily because as far as I know I made his name more unique."

"I don't know it just pop up on my mind. I think I heard a name like that before, so I want to used it as his new name but unfortunately his name is already Yeontan so it's just the same." 

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