Chapter 8

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I woke up because the sun rays hit my face making me fully awake. I decided to prepare food since I know today will be the day my brothers will move in here same as with Hoseok,Jimin and Jungkook.

I prepared Korean dishes and some Filipino dishes which Hoseok and Yoongi request Sinigang and Adobo.

I giggle every time they pronounced Sinigang and Adobo they called it Shinigeyng and Adubu

I finished preparing the foods and I decided to call Taehyung so he could eat first. I'm sure if the other boys are already here, in just 3 minutes the food will be gone specially Jin is a big eater.

I heard something in the hallway. Taehyung is talking to someone? I take a peek to see Taehyung on the phone talking to someone while smiling.

"Sorry, I can't go there my brother-in-laws will be moving here today, so I need to stay here stuck with my wife." Taehyung said and his smile faded. Now, I'm his wife after heartlessly kicking me out last night.

"Yes, baby, I will be there tomorrow love you." the last two words makes my heart shutter for a while, my eyes turn to dark blue again. So what?! Their call sign doesn't suit them, it's not that special.

Well, I feel a little offended and hurt at the same time. I can count this as cheating right? /having an unfaithful husband sucks.

"Why are you here?" I flinch when Taehyung suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"I was about to call you for breakfast so you could eat first or if you don't like just wait for the others to come here, I think they're on their way." I said a little nervous and surprised my eyes turn bright yellow green because I'm a little nervous what if he found out that I eavesdropped to their conversation right? I'm in a big trouble for sure.

I was about to leave him but he suddenly pull me and he stares at me? I can't help but to stare at him and strangely my heart keep beating faster again, my eyes turn into light violet. What?! If someone as handsome as this man stares at you, can you calm down?! Bet you can't!!!

"What's with you?"

"What? I didn't do anything!" I acted innocently. Is he asking me about him talking to a girl in the phone?

"Why are your eyes changing color? Before its yellow green then light violet then it turns to light blue again?" My eyes accidentally widened and turn bright yellow brown at his statement.

"Look it's kinda yellow brown now." So he's an observant person? Thought he's dumb.

I can't tell him that I have this kind of condition if I tell him maybe he will be scared, he may think that he is married to a person like a monster.

Fortunately, the doorbell ring.

"I think it's them." I quickly ran downstairs.

I open the door to see the six boys are really here now. Thank God I will not suffer anymore.

"I'm glad that you guys are here now. Let's go inside and eat. I prepared many foods for us." I gestured them to come inside. I am a little bit surprised when I saw Taehyung, he keep staring at me again.

"You're not blushing aren't you? You're eyes are pink." Jin whispers in my ears earning a smack from me. I'm blushing? Since when?!

"I'm just joking geez." Jin said and his eyes turn into the food in the dining room same goes to Jimin and Hoseok.

"WOAHHHH FOOOOD!!!" Jimin said as he ran to the table full of foods.

"Let's eat first before we take some rest. I'm really hungry now." Yoongi said and he followed Jimin.

We are now all gathered in a big dining table with a lot of food I prepared and they all eating well except for Taehyung who keep complaining but keep eating like there is no tomorrow.

"Do you call this japhae? It doesn't even taste like one." Taehyung said then he feed himself a full spoon of japhae. I just rolled my eyes and ignore him.

"Hey! You rascal! Why do you keep complaining about the food but you eat like a pig?!" Yoongi said and smack Taehyung's back.

"Hyung it hurts!" he pouted. I wish he could act like a baby when it comes to me.

"Serves you right you meanie! Saera, made this food with tender love in care. You should appreciate it! Look Jungkook really love Saera's food." Hoseok said and point at Jungkook.

Taehyung's POV

I gave Hoseok a "i don't care" look and he just give me a death glare and I averted my gaze, Hoseok is so scary when he is mad.

"I really like Saera." Jungkook said and our lip sealed for a while shocked at his sudden confession.

"What? I mean, I really like Saera's cooking. I really miss her dishes." Is he blushing right now?

"You miss my cooking but you don't miss your bestfriend! How could you?! " Saera said and she pout. She looks quite decent right now.

"Aigooo, of course I missed you a lot." He lean closer to Saera and pinch her cheeks. Really?! In front of japchae?!

"Ehem! Ehem!" I purposely fake coughed so they could stop flirting in front of me.

"Why? Do you feel sick? Do you want something?" Saera ask, is she being genuine or sarcastic right now?

"Yah! Taehyung is okay don't mind him, don't be too good to him." Jin said and gave me a cold stare.

Wae eomma wae? Did I did something wrong? Why are they being a meanie to me?!

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